Prof. Argirova: The vaccine trains the body to produce an antigen – Medicines


The vaccine trains the body to make an antigen. This was said on the “120 minutes” program on BTV by Prof. Radka Argirova, President of the Bulgarian Society for Medical Virology. According to her, this approach is innovative.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 16324

So far, everything we know to apply in preparation is safe. I can’t believe there is danger in this production, he commented.

The Pfizer vaccine is actually an artificial RNA that is placed in a small lipoparticle. This lipoparticle with RNA enters the human body, enters the cytosol of the cell, not the nucleus, and begins to synthesize the molecules for which that part of the RNA that is inserted into the liposome is responsible. As a result, a dead viral protein that is an antigen multiplies. The body will produce antibodies against this antigen, explained Professor Argirova.

I trust the experts, the logic of this vaccine is that it was not created in two weeks, there is a great development for SARS – 1, they just managed to take the same technology and modify it for COVID, said Kiril Petkov – businessman and founder of the Center for Applied Research and Innovation in Natural Sciences (CASI).

Both are the authors of the Regional Network for Genetic Diagnosis project with the Biosafety Coordination Center.

One of the ways not to shut down the economy and not create so much tension in hospitals is through massive testing, but this requires infrastructure. This means labs and people who can work in them. The idea is to have a laboratory of this type in each regional city, to have a place in the five medical universities where to train the staff of these laboratories, and not to see them as laboratories only for COVID, explained Kiril Petkov.

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He also recalled that in reality today’s medicine can diagnose all kinds of diseases much earlier through DNA technology and indeed, in his words, this is how we play for prevention, not treatment.

Our idea is that each citizen can seek help in their field to carry out some tests. These labs that we are planning are not necessarily for hospitals, Prof. Argirova said.

The idea is that the private sector, in addition to hospitals and universities, coordinate and bring Bulgaria to a modern phase of medical care, said Kiril Petkov.

According to Prof. Argirova, it is possible that this Coordination Center will work in a year and a half or two.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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