Prof. Angelov: The use of the vaccine with a political color borders on a crime


“I see some politicians who are very assertive and dream of being winners and playing with this moment. The use of political vaccination is on the verge of a crime. It’s time to work and solve problems ”. This is what the Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov told NOVA NEWS.

The Minister of Health also commented on the upcoming consultations with President Rumen Radev on the parliamentary elections.

“We will inform the president of the achievements of the Bulgarian experts so that he can be informed,” he said.

Professor Angelov insisted that restricting the freedom to travel of the unvaccinated is wrong.

“It is difficult for me to continue believing that this will happen and I think they are wrong. To be successful, we need to vaccinate 80%,” said the Health Minister.

“2021 is a year of hope. This crisis has helped us as politicians, because the situation is this: for a long time we all talked about the problems of Bulgaria, but now the number one priority should be the common man,” he added.

“In this situation, we saw the true face of Bulgarian healthcare. An additional 237 million BGN will be provided for the salaries of all doctors, nurses and nurses,” Angelov added.

“We feel calm, we are determined to carry this battle to the end, victory will be on our side. The result of the measures introduced, I hope did not lead us to believe, we succeeded wisely, we must remain reasonable,” said the professor.

“At the end of the month there will be two more deliveries of a total of 70,000 vaccines, then we wait for the 11th and the next one is at the end of February. We are waiting for permission for the third vaccine. We will meet the needs of Bulgarian citizens. About 33% said I wish to be vaccinated in the first phase, now the percentage is approaching and exceeding 50 ”, informed the Minister.

“We will vaccinate everyone in the educational system. At the end of this week we will have the exact number, as well as those who work in social services. Most likely it will go hand in hand with the first phase. Our goal is to arrive between 60 and 70% “vaccinated in each target group. There is no other way to achieve herd immunity, ”he said.

According to him, work is underway to create a digital passport for vaccinated people, adopted in the EU. An information campaign will be launched to make Bulgarian citizens more informed on the subject of immunization in the European Union. He admitted that he had not yet seen his father while waiting for the second dose. “After the tenth day of the second vaccination I will be able to visit my father, and when he is vaccinated it will be completely safe. The vaccine protects against the disease itself: the person cannot get sick, suffer serious complications or reach a fatal end.” familiar with the behavior of this virus and we can control it, the vaccine is our greatest weapon, “he said.
