Prof. Alexandrova: There will be a hunger for vaccines against COVID-19 – Medicines


We already have the first person vaccinated in the world, and this is Margaret Keenan, 90, from Great Britain. London health authorities were the first to approve the Pfizer and Moderna drugs and have already entered the first phase of national vaccination. But until now, medicine has collected very little data on the duration of immunity, since the first vaccinated during clinical trials spent only 6 months. This is exactly what the virologist from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Radostina Alexandrova, confirmed on Channel 3.

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“The immunity lasts at least 6 months because we collected data on the vaccines at that time,” said the virologist.

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Professor Alexandrova praised the teams that developed the drug, calming people’s anxiety, recalling that they are teams of professionals with extensive experience in vaccines against other viral diseases. The only downside to the development of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is that the time is still too short to know for sure how long the immune system is in the human body.

“The vaccine will definitely not harm patients, but it is expected that there is a hunger for vaccines, so I recommend that you do not rush to get vaccinated,” Radostina Alexandrova warned.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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