Prince Charles has revealed how he has overcome the coronavirus – Topics in Development


Mringz Charles told Country Life magazine how he was able to fight the coronavirus and overcome the negative effects of self-isolation.

The 71-year-old crown prince admits that he has strictly followed all medical recommendations during the illness. He consumed plenty of fluids, ate light and healthy foods, rested physically and avoided stressful situations.

Possibly your healthy lifestyle in recent years has also contributed to the virus managing your body more easily. For the past decade, Prince Charles has preferred to be closer to nature and spend more and more of his day at his Highgrove estate in Gloucestershire, where he takes care of gardening.

The prince recognizes that the period of self-isolation is a difficult stage in the fight against the virus, even in milder cases of the disease. Modern technologies have helped him cope with the negative effects of insulation. In this sense, Charles shares the following:

“We are seeing the best use of technology. They allow people to keep working, but they also allow us to keep in touch through virtual parties, games, songs and some of the funniest videos I’ve ever seen.”

Prince admits that watching funny videos on the internet has helped him a lot because it distracts him from gloomy thoughts and increases his mood and spirit. Online meetings with members of the royal family and positive messages from family members also had a positive effect on their recovery from the disease.

Prince Charles was diagnosed with the new coronavirus in late March, and just a week later, the royal court reported that the prince had been cured and was already feeling well.

Prince Charles is currently with his wife Camilla in his Scottish mansion in Berkhol.
