Prime Minister Borissov: COVID-19 has mutated and there is no common rule to follow – Politics


“The information that my colleagues have shared is very worrying: a large number of infected people, a large number of deaths, an overloaded medical system, huge external debts and the decline in GDP of the main EU member states, so after the health crisis there will be many severe economic and financial crises. ”This was stated by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov.Boyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born June 13, 1959 after the end of the European Council meeting held by videoconference.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 18657

“Unfortunately, the virus has mutated and there is no general rule to follow,” Borissov said, adding that member states were acting on the situation.

Borissov is discussing measures against COVID-19 with European leaders

With regard to Bulgaria, the Prime Minister expressed his confidence that the current approach is correct with the mobilization of society, with distance, with taking measures, highlighting that in our country the measures are extremely liberal compared to other countries . The Prime Minister also focused on another issue that was discussed in the Council: the delay in vaccinations in some Member States.

Prime Minister Borissov insisted that the vaccination plan in Bulgaria is being implemented in the most reasonable, balanced and correct way, including ensuring that citizens who receive the first dose of the vaccine receive the second dose. By March 2021, EU Member States must set vaccination targets for at least 80% of healthcare professionals and social workers, as well as for 70% of the adult population over 80 at the end of the summer. EU countries will strive to achieve this, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov announced.Boyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born June 13, 1959.

“The European Medicines Agency is working to increase production capacity with companies, as is the European Commission. I hope that what we have paid, the large amounts, will reach Bulgaria in the coming months, “added Prime Minister Borissov.

“There is an urgent need to increase genomic sequencing, up to 5-10% of positive test results. Here, too, the European Commission can help, but we also have this potential expert,” Borissov added.

Regarding the single market and free movement in improving measures to control the pandemic, Prime Minister Boyko BorissovBoyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born June 13, 1959that we as a country are ready with a digital passport and a vaccination certificate. “But I think it will be very difficult because we have a free movement of people with respect to the single market. Yes, each member state will certainly implement some mechanisms to admit other citizens into their country, but at the moment I do not believe that such a decision will be made, “said Prime Minister Boyko Borissov.Boyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born on June 13, 1959.

The information that colleagues shared at today’s European Council is very worrying: a large number of infected people, a large number of deaths, an overloaded medical system, huge external debts and a drop in GDP, which after the health crisis, in any case, you will have a severe financial and economic crisis. Unfortunately, the virus has mutated and there is no common rule to follow, so European countries must be flexible and act together. I hope that the large quantities of vaccines we have paid for will reach Bulgaria in the coming months. The European Medicines Agency and the European Commission are working to increase the productive capacity of companies. The vaccination plan in Bulgaria is implemented in the most reasonable and correct way, ensuring that citizens who received the first dose of the vaccine receive the second dose.

Posted by Boyko Borissov on Thursday, January 21, 2021

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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