President Radev responded to Tomislav Donchev – Politics


“I am not an opponent of the government. I have always been an objective corrective of what I see and what Bulgarians resent. This was commented by President Rumen Radev in response to a question about what Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev said, that the head of state has positioned himself as the biggest opponent of the cabinet.

If the government had listened to what he was saying earlier, the demands of the people and the protesters, this devastating assessment by the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee would not have come out today, Radev added.

Tomislav Donchev for Radev: Mr. President has positioned himself as the fiercest opponent in the cabinet

He noted that the assessment reflects all the things that he has been talking about since the beginning of his term and that people have protested about: regarding corruption in Bulgaria, the damaged rule of law, the media environment. stifled, the judiciary politicized.

If the government really cares about our relations with the United States as a strategic partner, and if you don’t listen to my messages, at least listen to the assessment and recommendations of our strategic partner, the president said.

US Senators: Corruption and politicized justice are challenges to our relations with Bulgaria

President Radev answered journalistic questions after participating in the Chief of Defense conference in Sofia and became familiar with the analysis of the state and training of the Armed Forces in 2020.

When asked by the president on March 3 that the government had tried to “quarantine the national memory,” Rumen Radev said it was too late for the government to seek public leniency to cancel the Shipka celebrations.

Radev added that his motives were entirely political, not health. The contrast between the canceled official Shipka celebrations and their resolution in cities, open commercial sites and restaurants, that contrast is obvious and there is obviously no sanitary logic, Radev said.

According to the president, it is time for health authorities to understand who says what, what writes and sends, so that there is no chaos. Rumen Radev also said that it was only thanks to the courage and patriotism of the Bulgarians that the National Holiday did not tarnish and thanked everyone who went to Shipka again.

Radina Lazarova

