Political scandal! Mareshki called Radev’s inquiries pointless and incompetent – Politics


President Rumen Radev’s consultations with the VOLIA party continuedRumen Radev

Rumen Georgiev Radev is a Bulgarian reserve military major general. Former commander of with groups represented in parliament on the occasion of scheduling a date for the next pandemic elections.

Earlier today, the head of state met with GERB, BSP and MRF. IMRO and NFSB representatives rejected a meeting with Radev and opposed the vote by mail.

LIVE: Rumen Radev maintains consultations with Volia

“He is asking important questions and the consultation step is good, but also very late. Exercising today with this consultation does not make any sense. It is an expression of incompetence and fear. These consultations should have taken place before, and we have invited him” , Mareshki addressed the head of state.

With the comment “muttering, you took the stray dogs out in the square,” the VOLIA leader told Radev.

Rumen Radev: I will try as soon as possible to give an answer on the date of the elections

“Video surveillance during the count is the cheapest option for fair elections,” he added.

Regarding voting by mail, Mareshki said it did not matter whether people lined up in front of polling stations or in front of post offices. The VOLIA leader announced that the problem of those in quarantine would be solved with electronic voting, to which the party has appealed over the years.

You are another accidentally caught in “Dondukov” 2. You are like that, you did not say anything against the poster and in aid of the Bulgarians. I am sorry that you were not an independent candidate in the elections, without the help of the BSP, to see where you would be, Mareshki concluded and wished Rumen Radev a good day.Rumen Radev

Rumen Georgiev Radev is a Bulgarian reserve military major general. Former commander of.

Queries were marked by sharp comments and insults in a record time of 23 minutes.
