Pharaoh’s curse blocked the Suez Canal


NorthThe decision to move 22 mummies of Egyptian kings from one museum to another mysteriously coincided with a series of tragic incidents that occurred in recent days in Egypt, raising fears that the ancient curse of the pharaoh had been awakened, reported the Daily Mail ” .

Cairo authorities intend to transfer the remains of the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat on Saturday.

22 pharaohs,

among which

Ramses II

– the most powerful

ruler of

Ancient Egypt

Among the remains will be those of Thutmosis III, Seti I, the queens Hatshepsut (the most influential woman of the pharaoh), Maritamen – wife of Amenhotep I, as well as Yahmos-Nefertari, wife of Yahmos I.

This will be one of the most extravagant processions one can imagine. Each of the 18 ancient kings and 4 queens will pass through Cairo separately in a golden chariot on which their name will be written. The period in which they ruled is 3,500 to 3,100 years ago. The Golden Parade will be led by the ruler from the longest to the following dynasties. The first will be Taa II Sekenenra, who reigned in the 16th century BC, and the last will be Ramses XI, who reigned in the 12th century BC.The mummies will be on display at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization from April 18.

However, the relocation announcement was quickly followed by a series of disasters, including the blockade of the Suez Canal by a huge container ship, causing great economic damage to the country and the world. According to the latest data, it is at least a billion dollars. In addition, there was a serious train accident in Egypt with dozens of victims, a 10-story building collapsed and fires broke out.

Social media users have suggested that this is all due to the curse, which reads:


will fly

with swift wings

for which

interrupt the peace

of the pharaoh “

According to legend, he was buried in the tombs of the priests along with the mummies and trapped anyone who dared to enter them.

Archaeologists were quick to explain that it was a pure coincidence and that none of the tombs had been damaged during the excavation. However, in the deadly train accident in Sohag last week, 32 people lost their lives and 66 were injured. Just one day later, eight people were killed and 24 seriously injured in the collapse of a high-rise building near the Cairo airport.

Around the same time, a concrete pillar collapsed during the construction of the Mariotia Bridge. Not to mention the global trade crisis caused by the blockade of the Suez Canal.

So many misfortunes one after another made social networks boil

there is no way to

explained another

I walk except with

the intervention of

mystical forces

One of the most famous Egyptologists, Zahi Hawass, had to explain to Al Arabiya TV that the deaths of archaeologists who had penetrated the tombs of the pharaohs in the past were due to bacteria that abounded in them.

“The procession of the royal mummies will be a great announcement for Egypt.” All eyes in the world will be on the move, which will be done with the utmost respect and will last only 40 minutes. ” of nitrogen, in conditions as close as possible to those in which they are stored.

Experts point out that in the new museum they will be exhibited with much better maintenance of adequate temperature and humidity. The remains of the 22 rulers were discovered during two expeditions in the late 1980s.

The historian Basam el Shamaa also rejects the rumors of the pharaoh’s curse and emphasizes that the phrases carved on the walls of the temples were simply the result of the imagination of the ancient Egyptians. He points out that many of the mummies were moldy and

on the walls of

the graves are

they were raised


dangerous for the respiratory system and even fatal. To this was added the feces of bats, which were also carriers of diseases.

The legend of the pharaoh’s curse was born after more than 20 people involved in the excavation of Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922 died one after another. British archaeologist Howard Carter and his expedition are said to have awakened the death oath by breaking into the burial chamber of King Tut’s pyramid in the Valley of the Kings.

Particularly imaginative is the death of Lord Carnavron, who financed the excavations. It is bitten by a mosquito and shaving damages the area that becomes infected and causes blood poisoning. The creator of Sherlock Holmes, the writer Arthur Conan Doyle, suggests that his death was caused by the spirits guarding the tomb, and this further inflates the interest of the media.

Tutankhamun’s tomb is one of the few untouched by ancient treasure hunters. It takes 10 years to take away all the treasures.

By the way, part of the procession will be Tutankhamun’s father, Pharaoh Akhenaten, who according to historians was one of the most hated Egyptian kings. When he came to power, he changed the tradition of the ancient Egyptians to believe in many deities and forced them to worship only the solar disk called Athens. After his death, all his monuments were destroyed and his name was removed from the list of rulers.
