Petko Doikov: The Macedonian village should calm the tone, otherwise difficult negotiations await us


“From now on, our relations will continue to resemble relations between two neighboring countries. One of whom has made a great effortto support the other for a long period of time and the other country applying to join the EU. “

It is not clear to S. Macedonia what the problem is, Sofia has explained her position

It is not clear to S. Macedonia what the problem is, Sofia has explained her position

Zoran Zaev insisted on this

Thus commented on the development of the complicated relations between Bulgaria and North Macedonia, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Petko Doikov, for “The Day ON AIR”.

According to him, in the misunderstanding by North Macedonia there is a lot of domestic politics.

“There is hate speech in them. The reason for our behavior in recent months is because of the breach of the contract. It all started with him. Bulgaria it has not completed the process or imposed a veto. What we expect from North Macedonia is first and foremost to restore trust between our two countries. Second, we hope to calm the tone. If this continues, the talks between the two countries will be difficult, ”the Deputy Foreign Minister is categorical.

We remind you that kthe cabinet decided to study the possibilities of providing vaccines against COVID-19 for the countries of the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership.

This will happen after the provision of the Bulgarian needs in accordance with the parties’ procedures for this and the terms of the preliminary agreements concluded between the EC and the drug manufacturers.

Elections, vaccines and South Macedonia: among the possible communication crises in 2021

Elections, vaccines and South Macedonia: among the possible communication crises in 2021

This is demonstrated by the analysis of the Crisis Analysis and Communications Center

North Macedonia’s Health Minister Venko Felipce said that your country is very grateful to the Bulgarian government in these difficult times. He stressed that it is extremely important for Skopje to have access to vaccines. According to Both parties should help each other and be good friends. Felipce expressed his gratitude on behalf of the Macedonian government.

We want to find a solution with Bulgaria because we are friends, but it is not clear what the problem is.“This was previously announced by the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev.

We have defined that the short and long names of the country are the same: the Republic of North Macedonia, we have no territorial claims, we are friends and we have expressed full confidence, Zaev told reporters in relation to relations with Bulgaria.

I cannot commit to an anti-Bulgarian policy and I do not care if one, a second or a third country, who are our partners, has a different opinion. and try to somehow impose your vision.

This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense. Krassimir Karakachanov in relation to our relations with North Macedonia.

According to Bulgaria has clear interests.

We are ready to help South Macedonia with vaccines, Macedonians are grateful

We are ready to help South Macedonia with vaccines, Macedonians are grateful

We do it with the purest heart for the life and health of our closest neighbors, Borissov emphasized.

There were attempts to convince us, but those who tried had no arguments. I understand the desire of several of our partners to force us to give in, but in the end Bulgaria must defend its interests, Karakachanov stressed.
