People over 65 will be able to buy at any time, the youngest are limited – Bulgaria


People over 65 can buy at any time, the youngest are limited

© Tsvetelina Belutova, Capital

One day after its entry into force, the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, changed the rules for purchases for adults over 65 in stores and pharmacies. The requirement, which will be valid for about 48 hours, was that shops and pharmacies allow seniors from eight to ten in the morning.

This sparked a negative public reaction and comments that the so-called green trade corridor is short; that the period is convenient to buy and work; that the morning is the coldest, etc. Therefore, with a change issued on the night of November 13, starting November 14, stores and pharmacies will have to be organized according to the new purchase rules:

– Between 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. only people over 65 can enter the shops
– between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m., as well as between 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., only people over 65 years of age can enter pharmacies

The change of order shows that people over 65 can buy in shops and pharmacies during the rest of the hours, if it does not suit them. In the order, which was valid from November 12 to 13, people of legal age were prohibited from shopping outside the so-called designated green corridor from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.

Even before green corridors for adult shopping were reintroduced in November, Professor Kostadin Angelov said he was holding a series of talks because he was trying to reconcile different points of view.

On Wednesday after visiting the coordination center for those infected by coronavirus and people with symptoms of the disease (closed a day later – editor’s note) The minister said that it was discussed that green corridors should also apply to all people with chronic diseases, even if they are not over 65 years old. He pointed out as a problem that it is personal information, and these patients do not have a card that proves it. This is probably the reason why green commercial corridors do not apply to all chronically ill people.

According to Angelov, on Wednesday it was considered whether the business hours should not be from 2 to 4 pm, but there were also opponents to this option.

“The opponents in aisles 8 to 10 are that the winter months are approaching, there are fogs, it is cold and it can be difficult for people. We have people who like it to be 2 to 4, we have people who don’t want it to be. be from 2 to 4. “, said the Minister of Health on Wednesday.

A day later, in a briefing at the Ministry of Health, when the mandatory purchase for people over 65 had already entered into force, only from eight to ten in the morning, Angelov said that three options were discussed, but for the introduction of the order of November 12. there was the greatest consensus:

– two three-hour corridors: one in the morning and one in the afternoon
– One-hour hall from 9 to 12
– two two-hour aisles: one in the morning (8-10) and one in the afternoon (14-16), but according to Angelov, representatives of the store industry did not like this option

“We are aware of what awaits us: days when we could have lower temperatures, fog, including ice. If that happens, this window will be changed from two to four,” Angelov said Thursday. He then said that if there were a crowd in front of the stores, the time would increase, but “let’s first see how this measure works.” He pointed out that he expects difficulties in the small settlements, where food is received at a certain time. This was to be decided by the district headquarters.

At the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic in Bulgaria, there were also time zones where only the elderly could shop. At that time, however, they had to be “a visible age of over 60 years.” In case this was not convenient for them, people over this age could buy in the remaining hours.
