Penka Stoichkova: Itzo appeared after 10 days of labor pains.


Hristo Stoichkov’s mother will prepare a domestic rooster watched for sarma today, when he turns 55

The two will celebrate the holiday thousands of miles apart. The dagger will be in the USA with her family and Penka Stoichkova, in the village of Yasno Pole, in Plovdiv, where she lives. She will gather friends at her house to treat them. The rooster, which he raised on his farm, will cook according to his proven recipe. Guests will toast with brandy, wine and champagne. For dessert, you will have a delicious sponge cake with cream and nuts, prepared by the hostess.

“It’s your turn,

I’ll put two on top

shaped candles

at 5 and I explode them

instead of Itso

I wish you health, luck and love to your family. He is not going to have a celebration in the United States, there are many saved there, ”explains Stoichkova. And he hospitably invites the “24-hour” team to his orderly home, although the visit is surprising.

The Bulgarian flag is prominently displayed in the courtyard, the swept pathways and carefully maintained gardens with blooming bluebells make quite an impression.

The hostess drinks coffee, drinking hers from a mug with 2 photos of Hristo. In one he is with the golden ball, and in the other he sealed his memorable goal against Germany at the 1994 FIFA World Cup in the United States. The souvenir mug was delivered by the citizen of Burgas to Stoichkova on the eve of her son’s birthday.

“I will not forget that winter 55 years ago. The labor pains with Itzo lasted for 10 days. I had contractions, but no revelations. So they gave me an injection and I gave birth,” says Penka.

Hristo was born at the Second City Hospital in Plovdiv (now MHAT “St. Panteleimon”) with a weight of 3.3 kg.

Although he has 3 children,

Aunt Penka remembers what

how much did i weigh

at birth.

“There is no first, second, third. I was equally happy for each of them,” says Penka. All three breastfed for 4 months because they did not have enough milk.

Itzo was fed yogurt, as there were no adaptations at the time, and then it was fermented.

Stoichkova claims that she and her late husband Stoichko never slapped their children when they did not listen or pretended to be white.

They punished them,

deprived them of

favourite things,

but they didn’t hit them

“I taught them to always ask, ‘Mom, Dad, do you have a chance?’ So far so good. The granddaughters were also raised this way, “adds Kamata’s mother. According to her, current parents make serious mistakes when buying lots of toys, which then go to waste.
“A child needs to know what he can and cannot do,” says Penka. She is expecting her third great-grandchild. Two girls have granddaughters Michaela and Sylvia, who are the daughters of Hristo and his sister Petya, respectively. Now Sylvia is waiting for another. A few days ago Penka was surprised by showing a positive pregnancy test.

“This is one of the best things that happened to me during the pandemic. The other thing is that even though we managed to see Itzo for a while. He arrived at Christmas for a few days. He came to me, he also went to Etropole,” he says Kamata’s mother.

He shared that

has been vaccinated,

as well as his entire family. However, Penka has so far abstained and has not been included on the vaccination list. According to her, COVID-19 is a type of flu and depends on the immunity of the person who gets it. She herself, if she does not feel well, is treated with folk methods. Recently, he had been working in the garden all day, and at night he felt chills. So he applied a tried and tested remedy and in the morning there were no signs of the disease.

Explain that the restrictions affected his life. Already

I can not play

backgammon in the field

coffee then

as closed

“I still go to the Yasno Pole center every day, buy bread, exchange a story with the women, they tell me who will cook what, and I go home,” Penka said. He adds that he is not idle at home, but always finds something to do. Most of the time he works in the garden. He takes the recorder there and lets it bang.

“I’m not sitting inside. Good thing I’m in the country, not locked up in a city apartment. I like to listen to music when I go out. I argue more. Here, the other day I was cutting the vine on the stakes. I also planted lettuce in greenhouse so that it arrives until Easter “, explains the hostess.
She claims that she also handles men’s affairs on her own. While her husband was alive, she always helped him and learned some niceties. That is why she rarely has to look for someone to do something that she cannot do.

“Work doesn’t scare me. I can do almost anything. I’m not like some can’t hold onto Tesla. I take care of vegetables and chickens. I don’t buy meat or eggs, “Stoichkova describes. She admits that life is different and without some joys, besides not playing backgammon, she doesn’t go to games.

However, Penka is still very interested in football.

Death of Maradona

saddened her

met with

him in 1993,

when Itzo was in Spain. Then the son took her to visit the great soccer player. Hristo’s mother liked him immediately because he behaved in an earthy and natural way, not like a greatness. According to him, the change in Maradona came after his departure to Napoli. Then he stumbled on drugs.

“Itzo was very sad about his loss. They respected and respected each other a lot. They were good friends,” says Penka.

According to the story, history shows that many famous people make it to the top, but few stay there for long. That’s why you should never forget who you are and what are the most valuable things in life, adds Stoichkov’s mother.
