Parvan Simeonov: There will be a death queue if Borisov launches the Swedish model – ᐉ Bulgaria News • latest news and current information


It appears that the third government of Boyko Borissov will complete his term. The COVID wave has changed the focus of the protests to people’s lives and health. However, shouts of “resignation” are still heard from the square. Will the successful exit from the coronary crisis clear the way for Borisov for the next term?

“The healthcare system is doing its job, but there are environments that foster a sense of chaos. There is another problem: Bulgaria is one of the aging societies. It was clear that if Borissov launches the Swedish model, there will be a death queue. Chaos and mortality somewhat obscures the feeling of success, “said Galván’s sociologist and political analyst Parvan Simeonov.

According to him, if the measures work now, things can get back on track. He believes that from the point of view of public conscience, the measures have come on time.

“Generally, fear leads to a desire for hardening, but society has come up with this idea on its own. This is an opportunity for Borissov, because society has only achieved these measures,” said the sociologist.

According to him, the style of government in Bulgaria must change. According to him, Borissov wants to end with something good, and the protests and COVID-19 are not good at all.

“I can’t believe that anyone is willing to postpone the elections. It is too early, there are many unknowns. Just three weeks ago, Borisov vowed that he would not close the country. If the elections were in the autumn, all kinds of coalitions could be formed, because the wave would be anti-GERB and it would be powerful ”, emphasized Parvan Simeonov on the air of Bulgaria ON AIR.

He noted that Borisov probably hopes that after a while people will bring him back. In his opinion, the Achilles heel in the GERB government was that it was very reactive.

“In the summer, with the start of the protests, the two main parties lost. However, after August there is no dynamic. I suppose that the GERB is now in a slightly more favorable position in the elections. There is no big change. The Patriots will probably have reason to grow, that Borisov would like to win this election because of prestige, but it is difficult for me to see if he will be able to govern again. The GERB needs a break, “commented the political analyst.

and those who walk the streets have coronavirus. You cannot stay home. Many people go to work and infect their colleagues. Whatever we do, we have missed the avalanche. Yes, contact between people will decrease. But as the measures relax a bit, things will get more complicated.

This was said on bTV by Dr. Victoria Chobanova from the Association of General Practitioners.

“It is not a test question. Not everyone can get a coronavirus test coupon. You saw that in China for 9 sick people, they studied a city with millions. It is a disaster in our country. Many people do not investigate because they are going to spend something “. money and shut it down. Many people don’t call the doctors and wait for them to come by. This is the Bulgarian option to deal with the coronary crisis. We are the only country in the world where there is a mixture of flows in each hospital, “he explained.

“I have not yet caught the flu, but there are patients who do not have coronavirus. Doctors do not know anything about these vaccines. We do not know what type of vaccine it is. What type of vaccination do we do at the peak of the disease?” Doctors do not have medical information about vaccines. “noted Dr. Chobanova.

There are times when we are unable to issue an electronic reference. It will be some time before something becomes smooth and real, he said.

