Parliamentarians Breathing Oxygen in Hospital Saved Quorum with Online Inclusion (Overview)


The deputies who joined online were projected on the wall behind the presidency. PHOTO: Velislav Nikolov

For the first time in parliamentary history, sick and quarantined parliamentarians participated in the plenary session, saving the quorum. Some of them even got involved from hospitals with oxygen respirators, it was clear on the screen.

In the second month, the government has difficulty gathering a minimum of 121 people. GERB and United Patriots have a total of 116 MPs, and now some of them are sick or in quarantine, and the BSP and MRF refuse to register. That is why parliament last week adopted a decision allowing sick and quarantined parliamentarians to join the session remotely.

Exactly 121 MPs met at the beginning of Wednesday’s session. 116 of them were in parliament and 5, Alexander Nenkov, Mitko Polihronov, Anna Alexandrova, Plamen Nunev and Mladen Shishkov, joined online.

Immediately after the quorum was assembled, the BSP deputies entered the plenary hall and demanded that the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, be heard on the coronary crisis. This enraged the head of the GERB parliamentary group, Daniela Daritkova. Your insolence is immeasurable. You continue to sabotage the work of parliament.

Are you not uncomfortable?

get in

After you’ve made a serious effort to ensure that a quorum and colleagues join the hospitals? You know what the order is, stop these partisan games, ”insisted Daritkova. He also accused the BSP that because of their behavior, the deputies who are doctors are obliged, instead of being at the forefront of the fight against COVID, to go to the plenary hall to strengthen the quorum.

Parliamentary head Tsveta Karayancheva refused to put the left’s request to a vote. There is no way for a group to register or not, depending on whether a proposal is voted for them, jumped left deputy director PG Georgi Svilenski. “Going to work is the duty of every deputy,” Karayancheva replied.

Two hours later, Filip Popov of the BSP requested a roll call, but with the stipulation that he would not be included on the roll call. She did so after a scandal broke out last Friday: During a roll call, Karayancheva was quick to list the names of some of the leaving BSP and MRF MPs.

“You are here in both body and spirit! Then do not deny yourself, “responded to Popov, the president of yesterday’s meeting, Valeri Simeonov. And he told the socialist first.

During the roll call, Simeonov also scolded two of the NFSB’s online deputies. “Rosen Ivanov and Georgi Kolev, next time

be so good

to shave

all Bulgaria is watching you. “

Despite MPs joining online, 121 people did not gather for the second census. “It is with great regret that I inform you that the number present is 116,” Simeonov announced and closed the meeting.
