Our elite club went bankrupt, today we learned a lot of bad news


One of our elite soccer clubs is bankrupt and the season may not end. This is the Danube, which came with some bad news on Monday. It came from the session of the City of Ruse.

“We are looking forward to the session of the Ruse Municipal Council, in which the money from the city’s clubs had to be voted under the Sports Program. The sums were distributed earlier this year and the Danube should receive 200,000 levs.” . however, they need to be voted. Unfortunately, this agenda item has been postponed to the next City Council meeting in May. No one has explained to us what the reason is and we have nothing to wait for, “he explained. Stefanov in front of Gong.

He recognized that the 200,000 leva in question could meet the obligations to the players and serve the remaining matches until the end of the season.

“It would be disastrous for the Danube if this money were not transferred. There are many other sports in the city in the same situation. The club fund is empty, we have no income from their rights or sponsorship contracts.”
