Order introduced uniform safety rules in winter resorts – Diseases


By order of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Mariana Nikolova, uniform rules for anti-epidemic and sanitary measures are introduced in resorts on the occasion of the upcoming 2020/2021 winter season. tourists and Bulgaria to protect its status as a healthy and safe destination, said the press center of the Ministry of Tourism.

The Ministry of Tourism has studied the good practices of the main ski resorts in Europe and has adapted them to the Bulgarian conditions to guarantee the health, safety and protection of tourists during their stay in our country. As a result, we have developed a package of measures for the 2020/2021 winter season, which must be complied with by everyone: sites, companies, organizations and individuals that offer tourist services. It’s time for health diplomacy, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Mariana Nikolova, in a working meeting with managers of winter resorts, mayors and district governors. The Chief of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Dr. Angel Kunchev, also participated in the debate.

The National Tourism Board promotes joint measures against COVID-19 in winter resorts

The package is coordinated with the Ministry of Health and is published on the website of the Ministry of Tourism. If necessary, the measures will be modified or complemented depending on the epidemic situation, it is clear from the words of the Deputy Prime Minister, who asked everyone in the sector to be flexible and proactive.

The measures cover the activities of gondola lifts, chair lifts and chair lifts. Tourists must cover their nose and mouth with a mask or other protective equipment when staying in the cabin and at lift stations. The number of passengers in enclosed elevator facilities may be limited at the operator’s discretion. The cabins are disinfected on time. A special organization of distance and disinfection has also been introduced in the ski lockers, and in the ski schools the groups will be of up to 10 people. Restaurants in ski areas will follow even more strictly the guidelines adopted for their operation in a COVID-19 pandemic.

I am convinced that with joint efforts and following the instructions of the National Operational Headquarters we can control the growing danger of the virus. The control authorities will be absolutely inflexible in detecting violations of the rules. In this way we will protect the Green Seal, which Bulgaria received from the World Tourism Council as a safe and secure destination. Bulgarian resorts have already gained experience in providing safe conditions for their guests during the summer and should continue this practice. Thanks to our common measures in our summer resorts, there was not a single confirmed case of coronavirus in the accommodation. Our goal is to improve this positive trend for winter destinations, said the deputy prime minister.

As Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, I will not allow a compromise that will taint the fate of Bulgaria, as well as the entire tourism industry, said the Deputy Prime Minister, calling for compliance with the three D’s: distance, disinfection and discipline. From his words it was clear that the control will begin before the official opening of the winter season.

According to Assistant Professor Kunchev, tourism is one of the two systems along with education, which has adapted well to the situation of the kovid. The accommodations responded successfully. However, the situation is dynamic and we are highly dependent on it. Practice has shown that the measures work. There is nothing better than going to the mountains and doing sports, but everyone must comply. Thank you for everything you do, because it is a lot. The availability of winter stations will be much greater than that of summer, he added.

Industry and local authorities welcomed and supported the unified measures of the Ministry of Tourism, expressing their willingness to improve them. Several mayors have proposed additional protection measures to make tourists more aware of the situation. They also demanded a unified advertising campaign for the winter, as well as financial relief for tourists arriving in Bulgaria with a PCR test. Representatives of the local government are ready to assist in the more efficient work of the medical teams that are on site in the tourist complexes.

Representatives of the Borovets and Pamporovo resorts noted their positive summer experience and reported that not a single patient fell ill on their territory after the strict measures were taken. We work to reduce the accumulation of visitors. An online ticketing system with vending machines has also been developed to limit contacts.

Deputy Prime Minister Mariana Nikolova added that the ministry had responded in a timely manner to the company’s request to target anti-crisis advertising to both the domestic market and the Balkan countries. In fact, there are 20 television clips made with country guides for Bulgarian television and social media in the Balkan countries. A Bulgarian national image video is about to be released, the images of which were provided free of charge by our ski resorts, he added.

Hundreds of tour operators requested the help of BGN 10 million

You can see the full package of measures below:
