Only with masks, without scarves and helmets: what the new sanitary orders say – Bulgaria


Only with masks, without scarves and helmets: what the new sanitary orders say

© Nadezhda Chipeva, Capital

Health Minister Kostadin Angelov issued three new orders, introducing changes to the restriction regime, some of which have already been announced.

A new rule is that from February 1 to April 30, it will no longer be allowed to cover the mouth and nose with a scarf or helmet instead of a mask. Protective masks become mandatory in closed public places, as well as when people gather in open public spaces. However, it is allowed to use cheaper disposable masks, as well as textiles, and not necessarily more expensive and of a higher FFP2 class, to which several European countries have switched.

Exceptions are allowed for customers of places of food and drink establishments, when visits to them are allowed, for athletes, for children up to 6 years, as well as for speakers during seminars, press conferences and others similar events.

Here are the specific dates and specific conditions by sector:

How students will learn

Beginning February 4, based on the schedule, current classes are allowed for students in grades 5-12.

The order of the Minister of Health determines a specific schedule according to which this will happen.

    • February 4-17: 7th, 8th, and 12th grade students will study in person;
    • From February 18 to March 2, 5th, 10th and 11th grade students will go to school;
    • March 4-17: 6th, 9th, and 12th grade students return to classrooms.

The order allows semester exams for students who cannot be taken effectively in an electronic environment to be taken in person. The condition is to fill no more than 30% of the capacity of the classroom, and the duration of the exam should not exceed two hours.

How the cultural centers will work

From February 1 Visits to cinemas are allowed, as well as participation in creativity, dance and music classes. The condition is to use up to 30% of the capacity of the premises and to respect the physical distance.

As of the same date, gyms can also resume work using up to half the capacity of the premises.

Shopping centers and malls are also resuming their work. Minors have the right to visit them, but only if they are accompanied by a parent or other adult.

What is planned for restaurants

The regime has also been set for the establishments, whose owners have divided their opinions on when they are ready to resume their work, as part of the industry prepares a protest tomorrow.

From March 1 Visits to restaurants and entertainment establishments are allowed, with the exception of discos, bars, piano bars, variety bars and night bars. The condition for workers is to use up to 50% of its capacity and the distance between the backs of the chairs on two adjacent tables must be at least 1.5 meters. Staff are required to wear protective masks.

What newcomers need to know

From January 29 Those who arrive in the country must present a document of a negative result of a PCR test. The deadline for which this requirement will apply is April 30. The test must be done within 72 hours of arrival.

Bulgarian citizens and persons with permanent, long-term or long-term residence in the country and members of their families who do not present the document are subjected to a 10-day quarantine.

Exceptions to the requirement of a negative PCR test result are allowed for bus drivers conducting international transportation, truck drivers conducting or terminating international transportation, ship and aircraft crews, border workers, and in-country transit.

With the orders issued today, January 26, you can find the attachments.
