Only professors and engineers will be most sought after in universities.


The Minister of Education and Science Krassimir Valchev

Our graduates will receive their diplomas on June 26.

Matura exams in Bulgarian and in a subject of choice will be June 1 and 3.

Only professors and engineers will be most sought after in universities.

The Cabinet will approve admission to public universities this week. Only the admission fee in the professional fields of pedagogy and engineering is increasing.

The universities will carry out their candidate student campaigns in July; see page 14.

Higher education institutions in almost all countries postpone enrollment deadlines in September, but even if they don’t, our prospective students will have time to enroll there. High school diplomas for 12th graders will be issued on time with a minimum delay of 4 days, on June 26, so there will be no problem applying to college. This was explained to “24 Chasa” by the Minister of Education and Science Krassimir Valchev.

The two compulsory enrollment exams, in Bulgarian language and literature and in a subject of choice, will take place on June 1 and 3.

Matura is a gateway to many professional fields and specialties at 38 Bulgarian universities.

According to the Minister, the matriculation exams are extremely important to evaluate all students on an equal footing.

For the first time this year there will be additional scholarships for students with the best results of the state enrollment exams, who have participated in engineering and vocational pedagogical education: the first 10 for results in Bulgarian and the first 50% in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

A good trend in recent years is the increase in the proportion of high school students and students in professional fields related to information technology, said Krassimir Valchev.
