Only Desi Atanasova and the PKP can be linked to Boyko Borissov’s interview – Opinions, Accents and Comments on Hot Topics


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Since the photos of the bedroom with the bundles and the gun will inevitably turn out to be real, the team decides to act. It is in his style to make a joke with the jeep, and he must explain to one of the ministers of Toulouse / preferably to the minister of health who is the freest at the moment /, how a mysterious beautiful lady fixed the packages and took pictures of them.

However, foreign consultants, whose fee is around one million euros per month, make it clear that this is nonsense, and that TULUP needs rehabilitation not only in front of the jeep’s spectators, but also in front of the somewhat concerned “foreign partners” .

This led to an interview in a major German newspaper, the so-called “eco campaign”, which will supposedly clarify the problem inside and outside, and especially outside the country.
However, the newspaper did not agree to simply be sent a text for publication and the interview had to be “conducted”, and due to the language barrier, the foreign consultant could not control it.

This gives rise to a vulgar interview in which it is shown that a mysterious lady walks through the Boyana residence with about one million euros and a dozen gold bars, manages to penetrate the guard, loaded like a donkey, and inside is easy because toulup has taken away your internal security. to beautiful women.

So the lady penetrates, uses her employment in state affairs, fixes packages and bars in cabinets and drawers, undisturbed by anyone, does her photoshoot, then loads them back onto the donkey, and escapes after satisfying human needs. of someone. toulup.

This story can be “caught” by Desito Atanasova, it may be the PKP, but not a normal person who finished the third grade.

The world-famous international public relations consultant bites his hands in anger, reads the interview in his own language and yells: “What do we think of her, what happened …”

Tante Merkel and other similar recipients are shocked by what they read and gradually realize that it is a crazy liar.
The average Bulgarian simpleton, however, even though he hasn’t read it, yells to himself, “Hey, our boy is a great bastard” and again feels somehow close to him.

And the International Consultant is collecting money for the service and trying to forget this shameful period in his career.

And for the money, let’s not be sad at all! There are hundreds of interviews and similar consultants in the drawer, and there will still be …

Public Relations Expert Diana Damyanova, Facebook

