One week after the measurements, the first zone turned from red to orange


Associate Prof. Angel Kunchev.

Kardzhali is the first district in our country in which a week after the tightening of the measures, the incidence dropped. With a population of more than 120 per 100,000, it is now between 60 and 119 per 100,000, making the district the first to leave the red zone and move into the orange zone.

This was announced by the Head of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev, at the information session of the Ministry of Health today.

“There are first positive changes, but they are few and it is too early to rejoice,” he said, adding that the situation in the country is different, citing the example of the Gabrovo district, where the incidence is 11 times higher than in Kardzhali.

Over the last 14 days, Bulgaria has dropped one place in terms of morbidity in the EU: from 11 to 12, falling for the first time in weeks below 600 per 100,000 and 592 per 100,000.

In terms of mortality, however, we remain first.

In two of the districts, Shumen and Yambol, the occupancy of beds for simple conditions is high. In Shumen. It is 98%, and in Yambol it is 89%, added Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov.

“However, employment was higher in these two areas. We are also seeing a decrease there,” he added.
