On the Bozhkov show and Skull’s revenge – Society


  • The circus with the actions of “Levski” was supposed to hit Borisov, but it humiliated the club and fans.
  • How far can the billionaire’s evil genius go?

What did I take away from you if you had a factory, a factory, a company? Prime Minister Borissov asked for it after the following insulting labels Vasil Bozhkov gave him a few days ago in that interview about the meeting with Anton Hekimyan.
The problem was not just a defensive position. And he recalled the sad fact that the richest Bulgarian in the last 30 years is not in the field of production, but in services. And the most profitable in the world: gaming. There are no production lines in this business, there is no cash shortfall, there are no bad loans. Casinos operate in the dark ages, and the bets depend only on the emotions. Its owners spend months in front of the screens to study the mood in the hallways. And then play juggling the arithmetic or geometric progression of the numbers on the bills. These are the so-called entrepreneurs with all three phones, and Bozhkov is one of them. Each device has its own audience. The first is for VIP members: those with whom the fugitive from justice plays the combo to multiply his billions and who he calls today to give, as he says:

pocket “million-two-three-five”

The second is about pleasures. And they, according to the legends of Sofia, have the colors of the rainbow on their skin and hair. Even if he denies it now, a blonde LiLana will betray him.
The third: he is a general. Everyone can find him there, from Anton Hekimyan to ask for an interview, through Titi Pazazov to make him cry, to Sasho Dikov, the courier. He uses it to deliver stocks, pizza, cigarettes, or whatever the Dubai boss wants.
What caused Vasil Bozhkov by activating his public phone and sending the shares of “Levski” in Sofia by DHL? Nothing more than a routine action for any baked poker player – he dealt the cards, announced the start of the bets and waited.
It turned out that no one was happy with the distribution. The prime minister received Levski’s shares, but did not want them. Titi Papazov ran out of papers
He hoped they would fall before him. Sasho Dikov, had to walk the whole day with the tour, from the mysterious gathering of his surrender in the eyes of God, the stairs of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, through his denied access to “Dondukov” 1, and all the way Gerena. Finally being locked in the coffers of “Levski” as another valuable trophy of the club without anyone having any idea of ​​its real value. Thus, the circus with the actions of “Levski” became

the new poker game of the bored fugitive from justice

Obviously, he has decided to attract new participants to the table. And for the public it leaves the spicy details.
1. The apprentice became the messenger. From a fighter for freedom of expression to another fugitive from justice: Tsvetan Vassilev, Sasho Dikov himself brought the boy to his knees on Bozhkov’s orders. The excuse that he was chosen by a family line because the billionaire’s secretary, Joana Hristova Cholakova, is the niece of Dikov’s ex-wife, Anya Pencheva, is no longer enough. You owe an answer to how much your services cost.
2. The whole country understood what a turnaround was. The best Bulgarian lawyers competed to explain how the transfer act did not take place
signed by the host country and, from this point of view, Prime Minister Borissov is de jure the owner of the shares. But the biggest mystery of Bozhkov’s Dubai-Sofia show remained: the shareholder book. The Post did not show it, and its absence means that there will be no entry in the Commercial Register. So de facto Borisov
There can be no owner.
All of these legal tricks can save the prime minister from what to do with the hot potato, but there is certainly no way to erase the bitterness that they are waving his name to the backing of a troubled football team. And he will still explain to the world that this is not a gift, but

bluff by an accused businessman

3. They all became graphologists. Support for the Prime Minister’s actions became evident after the signing of Georgi Popov. He is behind every action.
suspense Economist Neno Ninov contributed to the intrigue by the transfer of the team. He set Facebook on fire with the feeling that Popov’s signature might be fake. Others recalled that “Levski” has 36 million shares at a price of BGN 1 and stated that if Popov painted them one by one, it is no wonder that in the end his signature reminds Bozhkov of the best.
4. Good Titi has something to cry about. No one in this country can doubt the good intentions of the sick Levski Papazov player. The
He really cares about the blues. And maybe today he is the only person who would rip both his shirt and shoes to help them. However, it was with him, in the style of the years when he received his nickname Skull, that Bozhkov was the one who said the most. It turned out that while he was chattering about how he would transfer the shares to him, what the team would be like
rescued, he backed the documents on behalf of the prime minister on May 8.
5. Bozhkov has an heir. A 20-year-old boy from the village of Gorna Kremena, Mezdra, demanded Levski’s actions and promised revived the club with the company
His “LP-GROUP”, registered on January 14, 2020, is run by his grandmother and has a phenomenal capital of BGN 10. This is about or

naivety comparable only to Bozhkov’s insolence

Or for someone’s interest, he activated Ventsislav Manchovski and turned the sincere GERB fan into a ring of a dangerous machine.
After the whole saga on Wednesday, the questions logically arise: why Bozhkov did it and what is his goal? If anyone thinks that even formally
directed against Borisov, the blow will destroy him, he confuses. The Prime Minister, as a good card player, has shown that he can play such situations. The harder they are, the more attractive it makes it. In any case, Borissov will respond to the thrown glove by changing NIGHT (National Operating Headquarters) with POST (Legal Operating Headquarters). And he will gather the color of legal thought to sit on how to proceed in the “Levski” case. And there will be morning briefings and entertainment for people. And you can create a committee in parliament …
But apart from the joke. The truth is that Bozhkov slapped Borisov, but the slap hit the post. In the entire history of the national team, no one has joked about the name it bears and the thousands of fans who support it. Bozhkov fully justified the fears of Levski’s players, who trembled even before
The news that Tsesekar became the father of his team. But in the name of saving the club, they fell silent. Today they are doubly disgusted. It breaks their hearts to see the skeletons being removed from the locker room one by one with each temporary certificate shown. And his adrenaline rises to the skies after the messages of the red agitator: “Bozhkov, thank you! You and I raised the glass twice, and Levski went bankrupt forever!
Many answer the question “Why did Bozhkov do it?” With the categorical refusal of Levski’s players to stand behind him and organize protests under Borisov’s windows in defense of the National Lottery. Others saw a future attack on Borisov and Goranov, whom the accused businessman targeted. But Bozhkov’s show only gave the first sign of how far Skull’s revenge could go. In an hour, “Levski” became something of an offshore company, launched from one end of the world to the other. And their shares, in coupons removed from the old National Lottery, which

no longer carry the jackpot and can be easily discarded

And spectacular enough. That’s why even after the shareholder fiasco in “Levski” the question remains: how far can the billionaire’s evil genius go?
