OBJECTIVE: Dimitar Marinov cried while performing “My Country”


The actor made a memorable reincarnation of “Like Two Drops of Water” with Emil Dimitrov’s pipette.

In the air of “Like Two Drops of Water”, the first Bulgarian to go on stage at the Oscars – Dimitar Marinov, performed an extremely emotional performance of the legendary Emil Dimitrov song “My country”.

The actor could not contain his tears and said that, in addition to the lyrics, he was also very excited about the fact that he sings with the papon of our great artist.

During rehearsals, Marinov said he had been singing the song 40-50 times a day throughout the week in an attempt to overcome the emotions that overwhelmed him.

“I can be a US citizen, but I am a Bulgarian son. My homeland is Bulgaria,” said the Hollywood actor.

Watch the full presentation and the jury comments for “Like Two Drops of Water” in the video.

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