“NOVA Theme”: Close Encounter with the Invisible Enemy – Coronavirus (VIDEO)


Reporter Blagoy Tsitselkov entered Pirogov’s COVID department

For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic in our country, a journalist spent three days as a volunteer at “Pirogov” in the pavilion where the first case of coronavirus was registered in the country. Blagoy Tsitselkov is currently in an apartment isolated from his family and relatives.

EXCLUSIVE: Infection Hell Video Diary – COVID Zone in “Pirogov”

Alone, with a camera in hand, he documents situations so far not shown in the Bulgarian air. In the week in which COVID-19 set a new record in the number of patients, an entire floor was reserved for the treatment of infected doctors in the largest emergency hospital in our country, and new anti-epidemic measures came into effect in the country . This week in the “NOVA Theme” we show you what the daily battle of doctors with the new infection looks like in practice.

EYE TO EYE WITH INFECTION: What is it like to live in a COVID ward? (VIDEO)

Blagoy Tsitselkov will introduce viewers to nurses who have voluntarily decided, at the risk of their own health, to be in the front line alongside the doctors. And last but not least, the floor will be given to patients, those whose stories about the encounter with the virus will not leave anyone indifferent.

What else did the NOVA reporter get to see as a volunteer in Pirogov’s COVID department? Watch the video.


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