Not a joke: Lukashenko allowed early elections, but after constitution reform – World


Not a joke: Lukashenko allowed early elections, but after constitutional reform

© Reuters

I do not rule out early presidential elections, but they must be after a constitutional reform.

This was stated by the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, quoted by a Russian journalist. He gave an interview to a group of representatives of the Russian state media.

“It is possible that I will sit a little longer,” Lukashenko told RIA Novosti. “They can show me not only on television, but also running from the tap. Yes. But actually now only I can defend Belarus.” (More on the subject – read here).

Tens of hundreds of thousands of people have been protesting since the August 9 presidential election for a month, and the resulting violence has killed several people, arrested thousands and expelled opposition leaders abroad.

According to him, if he leaves, his followers will be “massacred”. Mr. Lukashenko also said that he would not speak to the opposition Coordination Council because “I do not know these people.” “They are not an opposition. Everything they propose is a catastrophe for Belarus and the Belarusian people. They want to break all ties with fraternal Russia, have paid education and health care,” said Roman Babayan of Radio Speak Moscow.

Evgeny Rozhkov, from the TV channel Russia 1, added that in the conversation the Belarusian leader defended the brutal actions of the gendarmerie, saying that “these were the first burning emotions and the riot police should not be blamed for defending their country from the blitzkrieg “.
