Nicole Scherzinger and how sexy the singer is, even at home


Nicole Scherzinger is one of those busy women who dedicates all her free time to her careers. The singer participates in various projects and, if she has free time, she generally uses it to travel the world.

Nicole Scherzinger, Tom Evans and lots of fun dancing

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Definitely going to them

Yes but no. The situation at this time does not allow the singer to work or travel, so Nicole is mainly engaged in training. However, we understand from his Instagram account that he also finds time to do some housework. Not only would he cook something delicious for himself and Tom Evans, but he would also clean the house.

And even as a hostess, Scherzinger doesn’t fool her style: with a rag in hand or in front of the stove, she always looks sexy, perhaps because she’s always trying not to lose her glory in front of fans.

For a few minutes we tried to remember if we had seen someone wash the floor in a more challenging stage outfit and heels, and in a rope pose, but we failed. And Nicole, in addition to showing us exactly how to do this, once again managed to surprise us.

“One day in quarantine she went through cleaning and cooking while listening to music,” Nicole wrote under the photos.

Nicole Scherzinger, HILuxury Magazine and the unknown nature of the singer.

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