New York Times: Nikolai Mladenov Calms Gaza, Maintains Hopes for Peace


The former foreign minister rejected the post of UN envoy to Libya due to a health problem

Nikolai Mladenov has earned the respect of almost everyone he has met, many of whom are enemies of each other. Thus, the prestigious US publication “New York Times” sums up almost six years as High Representative of the UN for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict of Nikolai Mladenov.

The former foreign minister has been described as working quietly behind the scenes to help keep the Gaza Strip intact and preserve the possibility of resolving the conflict through the creation of two states and preserve hopes for peace.

“A very honest mediator,” Rami Hamdala, a former prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, said, addressing Mladenov.

“I personally trusted him,” Moshe Kalon, a former Israeli finance minister, told Bulgarian diplomat.

Mladenov has also been described as an “honorable man” by Jason Greenblatt, a former envoy of US President Donald Trump’s administration to the Middle East.

“We are proud to know him,” Khalil al-Haya, Hamas deputy leader in Gaza, told Mladenov.

“Mladenov, 48, whose last day of work was Thursday, returns to his native Bulgaria after he suddenly turned down another high-ranking assignment in Libya to fight what he defines as a serious health problem,” he said . The New York Times

“This mission was very isolated from any kind of high-level interaction. Nobody took it seriously. In principle, one part expects you to repeat what it says, and the other expects you to leave, and that’s it,” Mladenov said about the beginning of his work in the Middle East. years.

The New York Times notes that Nikolai Mladenov liked to finish things quietly.

“In Gaza, a territory that is constantly on the brink of war, he set himself the task of avoiding it,” the newspaper said.
