New measures! Associate Professor Kunchev spoke about the closure of more VIDEO sites


I follow the flow of information and am impressed that some conclusion is needed for total chaos in the system. This was stated by the Head of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Kunchev, in a briefing at the Council of Ministers.

“If I say that everything is perfect and everyone receives immediate help, I may not be right,” he said.

However, according to him, all those hospitalized receive full medical care, including medicines that people from all over the world receive.

“It’s very easy to find three of those thousands that have had an ambulance delay and other inconsistencies. They probably are and will continue to be. But by focusing on that 0.1%, we create the impression of chaos. Why? can’t they go home for a week? It’s not fair to treat them like that, “said adjunct professor Kunchev.

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“The situation in Europe is extremely difficult. The continent has entered a curve of increasing morbidity. You can see on the map that the continent is absolutely red. Only six countries are orange: Norway, Finland, Latvia, Estonia and Greece. “, said.

According to him, we are in tenth place in terms of mortality in the EU and in fourth place in the Balkan Peninsula.

“I do not share the optimism of some of the governments that with this growth rate we will achieve who knows how good results. It is obvious that we will have to extend the measures after November 12, and all the planned measures must remain at least until the end of November. November”. said Associate Professor Kunchev.

“It is time to consider limiting the work of all establishments and establishments that offer food – to be limited to 22-23 hours. This is also imposed in Europe,” he said, proposing to limit the presence in offices to a maximum of 50% . “Those who can work outside the office do so,” added associate professor Kunchev.
