New cases of bleeding after vaccination with AstraZeneca – ᐉ News – World


In Norway, three new cases of blood clots (thrombi) and bleeding in the brain have emerged after vaccination with the British-Swedish drug AstraZeneca. According to the Norwegian health service Folkehelseinstitutt, these are young people working in the health system.

Rare but serious cases

“These cases are very rare, but extremely serious,” health official Steinar Badsen told Norwegian radio NRK. It is currently being investigated whether there is a causal link between vaccination of all three and the blood clots that have formed. Also, there have been many cases where young people have experienced bleeding skin or blue spots, said Sigurd Hortemo of the Folkehelseinstitutt. This could be a sign of a platelet deficiency, which often results in bleeding.

In Norway, people under the age of 50 who have been vaccinated with AstraZeneca are urged to watch out for any side effects and to see a doctor immediately if they notice bleeding or blue spots on their skin. So far, 121,820 doses of the British coronavirus vaccine have been injected in Norway. On Thursday, the country’s health authorities stopped vaccines with this preparation after a vaccinated person died of a brain hemorrhage in Denmark. However, so far it has not been definitively established that death has occurred as a result of vaccination.

There is no increase in the number of thromboses as a result of vaccinations.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) also said there was no increase in the number of thromboses after vaccination with the British drug. The German Institute for Drug and Vaccine Control, Paul Ehrlich, said he believed AstraZeneca was safe. According to scientists, the British vaccine works against the formation of blood clots, which are among the common consequences of COVID-19.

