Nelly Petkova hides the father of her son because …


Two and a half years ago, the former singer of the Ku-band band Nelly Petkova became the mother of little Daniel, but to this day she keeps the identity of the father of her son a secret and avoids talking about him.

Unlike most of her colleagues, the 36-year-old singer does not share any personal information and does not post any family photos on social media. Nelly did not appear at any public event with him, explaining that her beloved did not like worldly vanity. It turns out that the singer has a valid reason to hide it.

Gerald Greene, an American, is a major financier, television, and production, and is about 20 years older than Nellie. After 11 years of marriage to a Bulgarian woman and two children, Jeff murdered his family, divorced and lived with the singer, Weekend writes.

Due to the mystery surrounding his father’s birth, a variety of versions began to appear after Daniel’s birth at the Nadezhda Clinic on August 15, 2017. According to some, the former non-vocalist became a single mother, according to others his father was married.

Some even suspected that Nelly had secretly given birth to an heir to her former employer, Slavi Trifonov, with whom they had a love affair. None of the singer’s acquaintances have seen the Gerald American, whom Nelly had been dating for 4 years.

Jeff fell in love with her during one of his visits to the United States four years ago. There, acquaintances introduced them, they liked each other but did not fall in love at first sight. For a time, they only knew each other as friends, they met, they loved each other and love ignited.

Jeff divided his time between his homeland and our country. Nellie also traveled to the United States. Due to their age difference, the singer did not want to comment that their relationship was on an account.

“He and I have completely different interests, but we find a way to be together despite all our commitments. He is patient and manages to balance my violent temperament. At the same time, he is a lot of fun: he jokes with me and doesn’t let them take me seriously. “reveals the singer.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the family was isolated in Sofia. On social media, the foreigner often posts images of the empty streets of the capital and resentment for dirty air. Jeff regularly monitored the level of fine particles and advised his friends abroad not to visit Bulgaria in winter, when the air was dirtier.
