Neighbors received the first Chinese vaccines – 【World News акту • current information, topics and news


The first transport plane, which delivered the first batches of vaccines purchased by the Chinese company Sinovak, landed today at Istanbul airport. They were due to arrive on December 11. The delay is due to business reasons: dealer, payment and others.

The first shipment contained about 3 million doses of vaccine. Deliveries are expected to continue without further delay in the coming months. The Turkish authorities have negotiated 50 million doses of Chinese vaccines.

Vaccination is scheduled to begin on December 27. There are 4 groups that will be vaccinated first. The first includes health workers over 65, the disabled and residents of nursing homes. The second will include those who work in high-risk sectors, people over 50 and chronically ill with a single disease. In the third stage, citizens under 50 years of age, young people and, finally, everyone else will be vaccinated. The vaccination will be free.

