Nativity of Christ e! – Society


Today the Christian world celebrates one of the greatest church holidays: Christmas, Christmas, which celebrates the birth of the son of God, Jesus Christ.

The Nativity marks the beginning of a new chronology. The creator of the new chronology, the Roman monk Dionysus the Younger, estimates that Jesus Christ was born in 754 after the founding of Rome. Therefore, the Nativity of Christ is considered a time limit and holiday feast for Christians. According to the Gospel, the birth of Christ took place in the city of Bethlehem, in the Roman province of Judea. The prophet Daniel predicted that Christ would appear 490 years after the restoration of the temple in Jerusalem. As the time drew near, all the hopes of the Jews turned to the coming of the Messiah.

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Shortly before the birth of the Son of God, his mother Mary went with Joseph to Bethlehem, which at that time was an insignificant city on the outskirts of Jerusalem. In Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph could not find a place in an inn and were forced to take refuge in a cave outside the city, where the shepherds locked up the sheep. In it, Mary gave birth to her son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes and put him in a manger, where a donkey and an ox were tied. By breathing, the animals warmed the baby.

At the time of Christmas, a wonderful light shone in the sky, an angel appeared and informed the nearby shepherds that the Savior had come into the world. The shepherds of Bethlehem were the first people to worship God the Son. The baby Jesus was also honored by three kings from the East, brought to Bethlehem by the rising star on the scene. With His Nativity, Christ brings a particle of the holiness of heavenly peace. With his arrival on earth, the beginning of a new era is marked.

In the popular calendar, Christmas begins at midnight with the custom of Christmas carols. Only men participate in it: singles, boyfriends and younger men, newlyweds. They are called Christmas carols, Christmas carols, Christmas carols or Christmas carols. From midnight to morning, they roam the houses, sing special Christmas songs with wishes for health, family happiness and a rich harvest, and the owners give them Christmas cakes, money, and assorted foods.

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The Christmas carols meet again on December 26 to distribute the cows among themselves. Everybody brings a cow to his beloved. If a girl is liked by more singles, her cow is put up for auction. The winner is the one who gave the most money. The remaining products collected are sold and the funds are given to the church or school.

On December 25, Hristo, Hristina, Radoslava, Radoslav, Radostina, Radostin, Bozhidar, Kristian, Kristiana, Kristina and others celebrate a birthday.

St. Stephen’s Day, which is December 27, is also included in the Christmas holidays. The festival is dedicated to the first martyr of the Christian church, Archdeacon Esteban. The Christmas holidays end with St. Stephen’s Day.
