NASA: And there is water on the bright side of the moon.


Scientists confirmed for the first time the presence of water in the sunlit part. on the moon, announced the US space agency NASA. This means that there is water on the entire lunar surface, not just in the shadows.

NASA Stratospheric Infrared Astronomical Observatory – SOFIA, has established presence of water molecules in clavius ​​crater – one of the largest chord lines, which is even visible to the naked eye from Earth. It is located in the southern hemisphere of the moon. Hydrogen has been detected in previous observations of the lunar surface, but so far scientists have not been able to distinguish water from the related chemical hydroxyl (OH).

New research show a water concentration of 100 to 412 parts per million, which is analogous to a 12-ounce bottle of water per cubic meter of soil.

We had directionsthat H2O, the water we know, can be present on the sunlit side of the moon, “said Paul Hertz, director of astrophysics at the science mission headquarters at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

“Now we know it’s there. It’s a discovery challenges our understanding of the lunar surface and elevators intriguing questions about resources that matter for the study of deep space ”- adds the scientist.

For comparison, in the Sahara desert there is 100 times more water than the amount detected by SOFIA in the lunar soil. However, despite the small amount, the discovery raises new questions about the formation of water and how it stayed in the oil, devoid of atmosphereand the surface of the moon.

Water is a valuable resource in deep space and a key component of life as we know it. Remains to be determined if the SOFIA water found is available for use as a resource.

As part of the Artemis program, the US space agency team is looking forward to it. to learn everything what science can detect the presence of water on the lunar surface, before sending the first woman as part of his next male crew on the moon in 2024.notes NASA.

The agency plans to establish a lasting human presence there until the end of the decade.
