Mutafchiiski: It is shameful that we get such a large quantity of vaccines and at such a high price | Politics News from Bulgaria and the world


“We have no other useful movement than to get involved in solidarity with all European countries. It is good to have different sets of vaccines. It is shameful that we get such a large quantity of vaccines and at such a high price. But apparently this is how the mechanism was invented. working in the EU “.

This was stated by the president of the National Operational Headquarters Ventsislav Mutafchiiski during today’s extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers, which confirmed that Bulgaria participates in the complete portfolio of seven vaccines of the common European initiative for the production and supply of future vaccines against COVID-19.

The government has decided that our country participate in the negotiations for the purchase of another vaccine contract, that of the Johnson company.

The cabinet’s decision is a consequence of the solidarity participation declared by our country in the fund initiated by the European Commission to combat COVID-19, through which to support the research sector for the development of vaccines and medicines against COVID- 19. Bulgaria, along with other EU member states, has become a donor to the fund.

In this way, Bulgarian citizens will have equal access to a vaccine when it is discovered, with guarantees of quality, safety and efficacy, and it will be given to you only if you want it, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said.

There are seven vaccines in an advanced stage of development, and the quota for Bulgaria with the quantities determined amounts to almost 380 million lev. With the remaining logistics and warehousing costs, the amount exceeds 500 million lev. That is why the approval of the parliament is necessary, where only through a broad popular representation and in the debates can the green light be given to the purchase of vaccines, added the prime minister.

According to him, the amounts allocated for this purpose are really very high, not only for Bulgaria, but also for all member states, but the most important thing is that our country is prepared for a quick reaction.

“The country will have a large number of vaccines: between 12 and 13 million vaccines,” said Health Minister Kostadin Angelov.

The Chief Inspector of State Health, Associate Professor Angel Kunchev, also expressed concern that our country will receive too many vaccines that we will not be able to use.

The director of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and member of the National Operations Staff Todor Kantardzhiev pointed out that at this stage the vaccine seems to be the only way out of the pandemic and it is important that our country has different types of vaccines, both antigen and “live” vaccines. , which are also applicable to different contingents of people.
