Mustafa Karadayi: With this election, you burden me with the burden of continuing to work diligently – Politics


With this election, you burden me with the burden of continuing to work diligently to justify it every day, with these words the president of the MRF Musafa Karadayi thanked the confidence after being re-elected, announced the Movement for Rights and Freedoms.

He continued: I am not mistaken, I admit it, I am human and as such I make mistakes. The question is to what extent can you see your mistakes, analyze them, acknowledge them and learn from your mistakes. I can say that I am grateful for my mistakes and the opportunity to learn from them. I am also grateful to those who showed me the mistakes and it should be. We are a party that advances. It is developing! We firmly believe that success is due to the effort of each of us when we are united and walk the path together. We are the party that not only has the ambition to participate in the government, we know that we have the strength, the will and the ability to work and improve the lives of Bulgarian citizens. We believe that we can and must restore democracy and maintain peace as a value. Democracy means clash of ideas, tolerance of points of view and serious debate. Historical conditions guarantee us the main advantage in this process: having character. We don’t expect the lies and false suggestions to stop. We will continue to fight for the trust of all our voters and all Bulgarian citizens. To prove the veracity of our ideas for a better life in a clean and healthy environment, where the life and health of each one is protected, where the life and health of each person is a value that the state machine is called upon to guarantee. Thanks again to all of you for your trust. It is an honor for me to be part of the most organized stable and serious party in Bulgaria, part of the liberal political family in Europe and in the world.

The composition of the Central Council was chosen during the conference. The program and decisions of the National Conference.

Karadayi addressed the honorary president, Dr. Ahmed Dogan, with the words: Thank you for being there and continuing to guide us. Bulgaria and the global liberal community need you. It is a holiday for us to be with us today, even in these conditions.

Mustafa Karadayi reported as president of the MRF: GERB is not coping with the crisis

The president of the MRF closed the National Conference on Reports and Elections with a wish for health and success in the fight against COVID-19 and victory in the next elections.
