MPs decided: umbrellas and deck chairs on the Black Sea coast at least 50% cheaper than on June 1


As of June 1, 2020, a beachfront concessionaire and tenant must provide visitors with beach accessories at discounted prices at no less than 50 percent of prices for the 2019 season or the maximum under the contract. This was decided by the deputies with the finally adopted provisions of the Health Law, which are made in relation to the expiration of the state of emergency tomorrow, May 13.

It is anticipated that by May 25 the concessionaire, respectively, the tenant will notify the Minister of Tourism of the prices of beach accessories for this season. For its part, the Minister must notify the concessionaire before May 30 of the reduction in the amount of the concession fee or the rental price for 2020, which must correspond to the reduction in the prices of beach accessories.

The deadline for payment of the concession feeprovided in the texts is November 30, 2020. When the remuneration or price has already been paid in whole or in part, the respective reduced part will be deducted from the concession remuneration, respectively, from the rental price for 2021. For this purpose , an additional agreement to the concession contract will be concluded. or to the lease.

Parliament has decided to allow the concessionaire to propose a deferral, reduction or reallocation of part or all of the investments it has to make for 2020 and 2021.

The reduction of the concession fee or the rental price, which corresponds to the reduction of beach accessories, as well as the extension of the concession or rental, are determined by a methodology adopted before May 23, 2020 by the Council of Ministers at the proposal of the Minister of Tourism. .

The expected fines For a person who does not comply with the obligation to provide beach accessories at lower prices, a property sanction in the amount of BGN 50,000 will be imposed, and in case of repeated commission, the sanction will be a property sanction in the amount of BGN 100,000.

The deputies also decided that the concessionaire or the tenant could establish zones to control the flow of visitors, after the approval of the plans by the corresponding minister. In 2020, on the territory of the guarded sea beaches of open rescue posts, the personnel of each post can be reduced to a single lifeguard, according to the adopted texts.

The validity of the certificates for the categorization of class A and class B accommodation establishments, whose categorization expires in 2020, runs until December 31, 2020. Until then, the validity of the certificates for the certification of balneotherapy, SPA , wellness and thalassotherapy centers.

The deputies decided one more thing: 35 euros per foreign tourist, who is on vacation in Bulgaria with a Bulgarian charter operator to receive the state tour operators in the next 2 years. The initial proposal of IMRO was to have a subsidy of 6,000 euros per flight in support of the Bulgarian charter companies that transport foreign tourists to our country.

The period in which tour operators must reimburse already paid tourists for vacations that have failed due to the coronavirus has been extended by 12 months.

Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) you can postpone your decision on new electricity prices for up to two monthsParliament decided. The proposal for the transitional and final Provisions of the amendments to the Health Law was approved by 125 votes to none, with no abstentions.

To guarantee energy security, the price / regulation period that ends on June 30, 2020 for the prices of companies in the electricity sector can be extended up to two months from the expiration date of the period. After the extension of the term, the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission will decide on the price approval requests submitted by the energy companies before the entry into force of this law, the deputies wrote.

Tasko Ermenkov, of the Bulgarian BSP, commented that the left supports this paragraph, since it is one of the very few real measures against the crisis foreseen by the law, that is, to postpone the expected increase in electricity prices by at least two months. He noted that he was talking about an increase in prices because the media had leaked information about the demands of electricity companies to increase prices.

Unpaid leave of up to 60 business days used in 2020 will be considered as duration of service and insurance, also adopted by parliament.

To avoid gathering large groups of students in one place, during the 2019/2020 school year. no national external assessment will be conducted at the end of grades IV and X, and the degree of achievement of the competencies for the respective stage to be established after the beginning of the academic year 2020/2021, the parliament also adopted.

Admission of students from the eleventh grade united schools for the academic year 2020/2021 will be carried out only on the basis of the final grades in the subjects of the certificate to complete the first stage of secondary education.

The terms, which were stopped during the state of emergency under the Law of Measures and Actions during the state of emergency, remain in force after the expiration of 7 days from the promulgation of the current amendments in the State Gazette, the deputies also wrote .
