More than 75% of the English enter the strictest blockade from midnight – – World News】 • current information, topics and news


As of midnight, another 20 million Britons will be in the fourth highest degree of local quarantine due to the crisis with the flood of COVID-19 infections, Health Minister Matt Hancock said in parliament.

A fourth degree of local quarantine is practically equivalent to a confinement, in which more than three quarters of the 57 million inhabitants of England (almost 78%) will be from tomorrow.

Matt Hancock avoided answering the question of whether it was not time for all of England to go into fourth-grade quarantine.

Up to 981 virus victims in England in the past 24 hours, the most since April 24 At the same time, 50,023 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded, representing a slight decrease from yesterday’s record of 53,135.

Earlier, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that 60% of infections were due to the new strain.

Regarding the news that the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine has been approved since January 4, the Prime Minister warned people not to think that the fight against the coronavirus is over.

The opening of secondary schools for students last year, scheduled for January 4, 2021, is also expected to be postponed due to the epidemic situation. Back-to-school delays also apply to colleges and universities.

