More than 7,000 people with COVID-19 are treated in hospital – Healthcare – Bulgaria – NOVA News


18.06% of new positive samples per day

679 are the new cases of coronavirus in our country during the last 24 hours, according to data from the Unified Information Portal, updated at midnight. 18 percent of the total of 3,759 tests performed are positive.

Most have recently been infected in Sofia – 223. Varna districts – 61 and Burgas – are followed by 56 new cases.

51 people were reported dead and 584 were treated. A total of 7,101 coronavirus patients remained in the hospital, of which 533 – in intensive care units.

The total number of vaccine doses in Bulgaria is 338,879 and new doses per day are 975.

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Urgent measures are also being taken to control the severe pressure on the system. Today is the last day that Sofia hospitals use 50% of their capacity for coronavirus patients.

The new order of the Regional Health Inspection forces medical institutions to increase COVID beds by another 20%, which is why the number of infected in the capital already reaches 500 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Health statistics show that the number of infected children has increased in the last two weeks.

A further tightening of the measures is also possible. In Sofia, for example, it would affect gyms and shopping centers.
