More than 470 thousand new cases of coronavirus in the world per day


More than 470 thousand new cases of coronavirus in the world in one day PHOTO: Reuters

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the world exceeded 81.94 million, after more than 470 new infections were registered in the last 24 hours, according to the World Health Organization, TASS reported. The death toll has increased by more than 9.9 thousand, exceeding 1.8 million.

WHO statistics report only officially confirmed data on cases of infection and death provided by countries, BTA reported.

More than 55 percent of infection cases, according to WHO reports during the last 24 hours, are in Europe / 262223 /, in second place are North America and South America / 118056 /, and in third place – Southeast Asia / 31 372 /.

The most confirmed cases of infection were recorded in the United States: 19,376,790, followed by India / 10,286,709 /, Brazil / 7,619,200 /, Russia / 3,186,336 /, France / 2,576,420 /, Great Britain / 2,488,784. /, Italy / 2 107 166 /, Spain / 1893 502 /, Germany / 1742 661 /, Colombia / 1 626 461 /, Argentina / 1 613 928 / and Mexico / 1 413 935 /.
