MMA asked for help – Topics in development


The Academy of Military Medicine asked for help

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“VOLUNTEERS against COVID-19”: this is how the Military Medical Academy began its publication with a call for help.

A record number of COVID-19 cases and a record number of deaths

On the social network Facebook, the Academy of Military Medicine sought volunteers to join the fight against COVID-19. This is what the message says:

COVID-19: You no longer need to do this to protect yourself

“The COVID-19 pandemic has entered a new stage in its development.
For 8 months now, frontline doctors, nurses and medical workers have been fighting the infection around the clock.

At the beginning of the emergency situation in Bulgaria, dozens of volunteers supported the teams of the Military Medical Academy, a gesture that remained forever in our hearts.

FRIENDS, given the development of the situation, WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT AGAIN.

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That is why we address ourselves to all medical students (of the last courses of study), health students (nurses), specialists, doctors and nurses or volunteers (to participate in sanitary and hygienic activities) who have the desire and the capacity. actively participate and support MMA teams.

Borissov commented on his condition.

Anyone who wishes to join can apply by email: [email protected], leaving their names, training course or profession, telephone and email for comments.

Necessary personal protective equipment is provided for all volunteers.

WE BELIEVE that “Together we will do it”.

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