Minister Kralev was discharged from the intensive care unit, thanks to doctors


PHOTO: Krasen Kralev’s fake book profile

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Krasen Kralev, has been discharged for home treatment from the intensive care unit of the Sveta Marina Hospital in Varna. On Facebook he told what he has experienced in recent days:

Dear friends, on August 23 I was diagnosed with COVID-19.

Just three days later, my health deteriorated and I was admitted to the Sveta Marina University Hospital in Varna, diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia and acute respiratory failure. During the last 12 days I have been in the Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital’s Pneumology and Physiology Clinic. The doctors made a great effort to deal with my illness and they succeeded. Starting today, my treatment continues at home, until the body is completely virus-free.

I want to express my great gratitude and admiration for all that I have personally seen doctors do for each and every patient in the intensive care unit. Exceptional competence, attention, quick and determined reaction, humane attitude towards each patient, which is of great importance in this difficult time for patients.
Treatment is a two-way process of trust and teamwork between doctors and patients. There are excellent doctors in Varna and I am glad that I trusted the clinic run by Prof. Dr. Yordan Radkov and the department team led by Dr. Valentina Dimitrova, which includes Dr. Pavlina Peneva, Dr. Iskra Velichkova, Dr. Dr. Anton Antonov, Dr. Pavel Yordanov, all nurses and paramedics who are with us 24 hours a day and fight head-to-head against the monstrous risks of the virus.
Thanks to these people, I went through the hardest part of this ordeal, so I want to tell you more about them.

The conditions in which these characters work are really difficult. During their work in the intensive care unit, they spend at least 4 hours in tight protective clothing, masks, goggles and helmets, making breathing nearly impossible in rooms without air conditioning. There is a great risk for doctors who are exposed to daily contact with the coronavirus. In the room next to mine lay Dr. Stoyanka Nenkova, who is part of the ward team, but who had been infected by a patient a few weeks ago.

Dear friends, do not underestimate the cruelty of the coronavirus, do not belittle the work of doctors who are isolated from their loved ones and are in great danger to their lives every day. These people deserve great gratitude and respect from all of society.
From the beginning of the pandemic until now, we all know that there is no etiological treatment for K19. Treatment is tailored to the individual characteristics of the evolution of the infection in each patient and carries serious risks for both who prescribes it and who is administered.

The virus is cruel and dies from it: whoever still believes in the conspiracies will be on their own. COVID -19 can cause blood clots in the lungs, it can cause a secondary infection, complicate diabetes, hypertension, all cardiovascular diseases … no one is insured!

The problem is that for now there is no way to guarantee successful treatment. When found, a treatment protocol and procedure will be adopted that are the same all over the world. Until then, there is only one guarantee: not to find the virus. This means complying with all epidemic measures.

And watch out for the doctors, we will need them.

Thanks to everyone who called and wrote to support me in this ordeal. I would have a hard time without you. For those who wanted me to lose the battle with the virus, I will light a candle, God save your souls.
