Minister Angelov: The situation with COVID-19 in the country is extremely tense – Medicines


The National Vaccination Headquarters (NSC) held several meetings. The program that we will follow has been carried out. Staff officers have been appointed. I met with representatives from NWS and the heads of the regional RHIs. The lists of those who wish to be vaccinated from the first group have been drawn up. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Kostadin Angelov, during the session of the Health Committee in Parliament regarding the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic and the vaccination plan against the virus, reported a reporter from

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48% of employees in medical facilities want to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Second, the organization for vaccination by region is determined. The teams that will vaccinate those they want are determined, he explained.

Prof. Angelov: Young people are also dying due to late medical treatment

Minister Angelov stressed that logistics has been created. “Bulgaria is ready to accept the first shipment of vaccines. He explained to the deputies that the vaccine is stored at minus 70 degrees and its shelf life is 5 days,” said the Minister of Health.

“The situation with COVID-19 in the country is extremely tense. This also affects the Emergency Aid project. However, the additional medical equipment was delivered on time. Another 20 new ambulances will be delivered by the end of the year. They are about to be completed. to start construction work and installation of the construction of emergency medical centers in the medical establishments or renovation of the old ones. Unfortunately there is a delay. All procedures are approved. We will start with the Ruse district, “announced Professor Angelov .

“The medical helicopter will be purchased with European funds. It will cost BGN 20 million and will be equipped with the highest quality medical equipment. The specification is currently being prepared and the announcement of this public procurement is forthcoming. Two of these helicopters are needed for the territory of the country. Therefore, we will initiate a procedure for the purchase of a second medical helicopter, “said Minister Angelov.

Regarding e-health, the Minister of Health explained: “e-health works. In the case of electronic PCR, there is an organizational problem, not a software problem. Most of the references are issued in the large regional cities. At the end of the year electronic prescribing will be introduced and, in addition to GPs and pharmacies, it will be included in the system. We work very fast and after hours. “

Prof. Kostadin AngelovKostadin AngelovKostadin Angelov was born on June 7, 1977. He graduated from Sofia Medical University in 2004. explain the immunization situation in the country. “By the time the vaccine arrives, we will be ready with the entire organization. The SNM must develop a comprehensive vaccination program against COVID-19. It will be necessary to clarify what documents will be issued by the personal doctors of those vaccinated. The vaccine will be voluntary and free. They are needed many regulatory changes because such a pandemic occurs once every 100 years and there is no synchronized medical care with it.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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