Mikrevo’s millionaire twins – Criminal were brutally beaten


Fear gripped the family of millionaire twin brothers from Mikrevo village in Strumyan, who earned BGN 1,600,000, a sports car and a house before 2015, reports struma.bg.

The twin Svetoslav Asparuhov and members of his family were attacked with metal bars and bats by his neighbor Kiril Uzunov after a minor accident. Very scared for the life of his family, Svetoslav told what they were subjected to together with the families of his brothers Angel and Blagovest Asparuhov.

Gypsy melee in a Sandanski village

On March 1, early in the morning around 8 am, the two brothers and the son of one became the object of attacks, violence and beatings, inflicted by their neighbor, their brother and the son of one. As a result, older brother Angel, who was admitted to the Sandanski hospital operating room with broken ribs, suffered the most. A man from the village of Lyuben accidentally entered with 7 stitches in the head area, who wanted to calm the angry neighbor, it is clear from the story of the victims.

The dispute originated in the real estate sector.

The neighbor wanted to appropriate part of the property where he lives and for which property documents were available.

“On the morning of March 1, I drove to EasyPay, which is located in the village grocery store, because I had a payment of 410 BGN due to online gambling. I was alone at the time and rushed back to take my son.On my way back to pick up my nephew from home, I was about to cross an intersection in the store area and was driving at a reasonable speed when I saw a Mercedes van stopped in front of me, which suddenly started at full throttle. I accelerated in reverse and everything happened for a moment, very strange, as if when seeing me this man deliberately crashed into me. I was scared of the small accident and immediately got out of the car to see what happened. Neighbor of Kiril, “armed” with two metal rods and a box, I aggressively walked up to me and was afraid to see him, and ran across the field to run home. I immediately remembered that he was probably stalking me and had deliberately slammed into me to create conditions . due to beatings and extortion, all this was recorded on the store’s video surveillance cameras. I managed to escape its clutches and return home shaking and in shock at what had happened, and immediately called 112 to report the whole situation. My 16 year old nephew, who was waiting for me to take him to school, and our older brother Angel and I went to the place to wait for the police. Meanwhile, Kiril called his brother Nenko and his nephew Dimitar by phone to ask for help. As soon as they saw us there, they attacked my brother and my nephew with truncheons, because I had gone to the car. My brother has several bruises on his body and broken ribs. My nephew, who is under medical supervision because he has a depressive disorder, is even worse after this situation in which we become victims of mental and physical violence. A neighbor from Kiril and our neighbor, Uncle Lyuben Naidenov, who lives next to us all, accidentally passed by and tried to calm the angry bullies, but they began to relentlessly force him to cook. Police from Strumyani and Sandanski arrived, as well as an ambulance. My brother and Lyuben took them to Sandanski hospital; my brother was admitted for chest fractures and Lyubcho’s head was treated, sutured and released for home rehabilitation. Let me explain again that in my opinion, for the whole situation, Kiril created a precondition for the minor accident, which turned into a fight with us because he wants to take over part of our place where our house is and we have documents for that. He is a former prisoner, convicted and serving a sentence abroad, his son is currently in prison in Greece. Kiril’s brother, Nenko, also has a criminal record. Nenko’s son, known as Mitko Lihvara, is in the process of usury lawsuits. How to live in peace from now on, surrounded by criminal types, these are dangerous people. They hunt us down to blackmail us over property, and God knows what else they want from us. We temporarily detained the children from school and kindergarten after this incident. We fear their intelligence and what they are capable of. Only 2 days before the incident, Nenko and her son Mitko arrived from Germany, they are supposed to be in quarantine, but that did not stop them from going out with bats against my family. My wife is also in shock. I hope that the forces of order will take all the video surveillance recordings of the store and there they will see everything that I am telling their media. 5 people detained us for 24 hours at the Sandanski Regional Hospital. For two or three days there was a greater police presence in the town to avoid problems. I hope something even more dangerous doesn’t happen to us, we fear for our lives, ”said Svetoslav Asparuhov.

