Microbiologist: Bulgarian coronavirus vaccine is in diapers


The director of the Institute of Microbiology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is optimistic about the development of a vaccine worldwide.

“We are working in different directions to combat the coronavirus. The vaccine is in diapers, but we are working intensively on it. We are currently creating a prototype. A group of young people of about ten people is working on this project,” said Penka Petrova, director. of the Institute of Microbiology. BAS, where a Bulgarian coronavirus vaccine is being developed.

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Another group at the Institute works on plasma therapy. Pilot studies have been conducted to transfuse virus plasma into the patient. The results are extremely encouraging. There are not that many patients in Bulgaria, so researchers cannot work intensively on this project.

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“At this stage, we depend on funds from the Pasteur Institute and donations. In my opinion, the state should be much more committed to these funds,” added Petrova. She is optimistic about vaccine development worldwide.

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“Thousands are in clinical trials. The European vaccine is well advanced. A sufficient number of doses will be produced in January of next year. We are testing chloroquine derivatives, trying to choose a medicine that is less dangerous for humans,” Petrova explained. because chloroquine has side effects: it accumulates in the liver and is difficult to metabolize.

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Treatment of the coronavirus with drugs for other diseases is at an experimental stage, he said, but various types of drugs are being tested. So far, however, there is no specific treatment. Concomitant diseases also show a growing interest in science.


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