MEPs and diplomats caught in a gay orgy with 25 men in Brussels


The homophobic Hungarian MEP resigns after being caught in a gay group orgy, Belgian news agencies reported.

Brussels police conducted an investigation late Friday into illegal sex sports at a gay club in the center of the Belgian capital, the BNT correspondent reported. The orgy, which took place above a closed gay bar, was attended by 25 people, only men. They received fines for violating the rules against the coronavirus. The police also found drugs at the scene, ecstasy is mentioned. “It was just a gang,” a police officer said succinctly, quoted by local newspaper DH.

Belgian media reported that several diplomats, as well as Hungarian MEP Josef Sayer (pictured right), attended the party on Stenstrad Street, near the Grand Place. He initially tried to escape by way of the gutter, but after being caught, he invoked his parliamentary immunity.

On Sunday, Sayer unexpectedly announced that he was leaving the European Parliament.

Sayer is one of the founders of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party. From 1994 to 2002, he chaired the Fidesz group in the Hungarian parliament and later became an MEP. Fidesz MEPs are part of the European People’s Party group in the EP.

In a statement, Sayer admitted that he attended the party on Friday. “I regret having broken the rules of the country. My act was irresponsible,” he said, adding that he had not used drugs.

Belgian newspapers recall that Orban Fidesz’s party openly declared against people of different sexual orientations.
