Megan and Harry’s secret messages were leaked the day before the wedding.


Shortly after they revealed their intention to leave the royal court, Prince Harry and Megan Markle also informed us that they were suing the British tabloid. He presented a letter written by the Duchess of Sussex to her father, provided by Thomas Markle himself.

The case is already in court. And in the course, no less interesting details were known to him. According to the leaked documents, Prince Harry had sent several messages to Megan’s father the day before their wedding.

In them, he asks Thomas Markle to stop talking to the media, whom he blames for the altercation between his wife and the royal family. The case file is proof that Prince Harry has repeatedly attempted to connect with his father-in-law before the wedding day, but has failed.


Therefore, he was forced to send him messages, however, which went unanswered. The duke insisted that he really needed to speak to him and did not expect his apology, because he understood the circumstances. “If you love Megan and want to clear things up, call me … We are not mad at you, we just want to talk,” writes Harry.

He warns Thomas Markle that new media appearances will not help him, but will only make the situation worse. And the only ones who can really help him are with Megan, as they’ve tried from day one, The Guardian writes.

Rather than answer calls for an open conversation, Megan’s father decided to tell an American newspaper that she had a heart attack just before the wedding. When she learned of the incident, the Duchess of Sussex also repeatedly attempted to contact him, offering help and security. But again there is no answer.

Megan told the court that her last contact with her father was a missed call at 5 a.m. on the day of the wedding, on May 19, 2018, reported.
