Medical: With 75% limitation of contacts, the epidemic will be overcome – Diseases


In three weeks, the capacity that can be served will be exceeded if the intensity of new cases of coronavirus in Germany continues. The increasing number of infectious patients threatens the care of all patients. This was stated to BNR by Dr. Stoyan Monev, a 36-year-old doctor in an intensive care unit with a COVID sector in a municipal hospital in Germany.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 15282

According to him, the country is working in a difficult situation and with more than 100% capacity.

85% of people in Germany are disciplined and abide by the measures, but there are also protesters against the measures. Epidemiological protection is a priority for the provinces. “

Dr Monev commented on the situation in Bulgaria: “I am concerned that the Bulgarian health system cannot care for such a large number of patients. Doctors, nurses are needed. Even if there are beds, there is no one to take care of them. patients. Many people ask me for advice because they have been denied hospitalization and treatment. For a small country like Bulgaria, 130 deaths a day from a preventable disease are not small. ”

4828 are the new cases of COVID-19 in our country

According to him, in the big cities of Bulgaria there may be so-called “clean hospitals”, while the smaller ones do not have the resources for such an opportunity.

He pointed out that with a 75% limitation of contacts between people, the epidemic will be overcome.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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