Mathematician with a grim prognosis for the number of infected at the end of the month – ᐉ news – Bulgaria


In the last days, 10 people with Kovid-19 have infected 11. And already 1.5 million have found the infection or have been vaccinated, said the mathematician of the national headquarters Prof. Nikolay Vitanov.

“This virus meets fewer people than it can infect, although it is more contagious than in November,” he told

However, the curve that indicates the spread of the infection is growing.

Professor Vitanov estimates that by the end of March the number of active cases will almost double. Thus, at the end of March, the number of patients will be 70,000, and not about 40,000 as now.

“The last decisive assault against the virus will take place in the next 2 or 3 weeks. I am convinced that even if the figures of the November peak pass, within these 2/3 weeks we will reach the maximum values ​​and there will be a decline. Begin. “said the chief health inspector. Associate Professor Angel Kunchev.

According to Professor Vitanov, growth is much smoother and the health system has opportunities to cope with it.

The realistic scenario is that in early autumn the sick and vaccinated will reach the required figure of 70% for the so-called group immunity. However, this can happen if the vaccination process continues as planned and measures are followed.

Despite the problems with AstraZeneca, Prof. Vitanov claims that our country will make up for lost time with the arrival of deliveries of other approved vaccines in Europe.

Sofia, Bulgaria
