More than 2 times more people die now than in the last 5 years on average. This is analyzed by the mathematician Petar Velkov.
“We have a 97% increase in mortality: 2,110 more deaths in week 50 (7-13.12) than the average of the last years (4,276 deaths compared to 2,166 in average of the last 5),” he said.
“People continue to die from all kinds of diseases (the INE reports them, the indicator covers total mortality, they tend to be around 2,000 cases), and to these are added more than 2,200 people who died from the pandemic (as officially a significant number does not even is reported as killed by Covid-19) ”, emphasizes Velkov, who is also an expert in crisis management.
The data he commented is for week 50, and the NSI is reporting almost two weeks late. That is, the previous week has not yet entered (51) with 925 deaths from Kovid (3% increase compared to the previous one), and for the current one (52) the data will probably be similar with a small decrease.