Martin Ivanov became an 18-time winner in BNT’s clever game “The Last Wins”


One day, very recently, while walking down the street, a young man stopped the great actor Stefan Mavrodiev. “Mr. Mavrodiev, I like you so much!” You must know that you helped me a lot in the program “The Last Wins”, the stranger is addressing.

“But how did I help you?” Asks the actor.

“Answering the question in which city were you born,” replied the man. “Well, where was I born?” Asks Mavrodiev.

“In Varna!”, The stranger responds quickly and with a smile.

His name is Martin Ivanov and in fact he is already recognizable enough for all the viewers who have even watched BNT’s clever game “The Last Wins”. It runs every day of the week starting at 7pm and participants answer host Orlin Goranov’s questions from various fields in three rounds. And Martin Ivanov proved that he really knows a lot and became the record 18-time winner of the show.

At the end of the summer, when BNT announced that their fall show would include the game “The Last Wins,” he logged onto the TV site and filled out the application form, having no idea what the show would look like.

But that does not bother him: Martin already has experience as a participant in these types of programs and has a special feeling for public television. After all, that’s where his first appearance was.

in 1999 he participated in

show “Nota Bene”

presenter Hristo Garbov

The spark of her cognitive skills ignited another BNT show, a multi-generational favorite “One Minute is a Lot.” Martin doesn’t miss any of his edits, he still remembers the old game man graphics, which is from around 1982. So he watched the show since he was 5 years old! His dream of participating came true, for the first time in 1995 as part of the public. Then Martin manages to answer a question that no athlete answers and wins a prize. Of course, a book, as was the tradition of “One minute is a lot.” While there, Martin manages to meet his childhood idols, those participants in the show who repeatedly display knowledge and become champions. And shortly afterwards he became one of them with his triple win in the game.

His interests are diverse and he shows them from a very young age.

At 6, meet everyone

capitals and names of

the Bulgarian khans,

and a year before he can read: he learns to check in the newspaper program if BNT will give his favorite column “Studio X”. In it, television broadcasts the best crime and adventure films in the world, as well as its own productions. It runs every Saturday starting at 11 pm on the first program. And here it is: carefully watching each film in the column and in the television theater, from an early age shows his wide view of the world. Well, you probably felt a dose of dread watching the crime scenes on some of the tapes. “Maybe it helped me develop faster, knowing that there are bad guys, not just good ones. My parents were good enough to me to allow me to develop like that.” I was lucky to meet them, “he said.

His father is engaged in the restoration of old buildings, he was a long-time employee of the Institute of Cultural Monuments. “It can be said that I owe him part of my love for history.” His mother is a long-term medical staff member: 48 years working in the healthcare field. In contrast, biology and chemistry for Martin remain one of the few sciences that he never fully understands. “She is the person who encouraged me to read from an early age, taught me letters while we read children’s books.”

Martin was born and lives in Sofia. He graduated from 29th High School, which is one of the first schools in the capital with training in foreign languages. “I was in an English class and learning the languages ​​helped me.”

He has been dreaming since the tenth grade.

deal with

with sports


but his rebellious nature in high school played a bad joke on him: his grades in ball-forming subjects weren’t high enough to be accepted into the Faculty of Journalism at Sofia University. But he focused on another favorite field, graduating with a degree in history.

You tell yourself that the lack of a journalism degree can’t stop you from writing, as long as you do it competently and well enough. It took him a long time, but he still managed to make his high school dream come true and became a reporter for the Meridian Match newspaper. “I have various hobbies and they have become a job for me. One of them was sports journalism: I wrote materials for fun. I still have some reports of games that I did in ninth or tenth grade. I did them for my own pleasure, and afterwards it turned out that he could do it. ” After the sports newspaper, he began working on online television, where he also appeared as a presenter, but not for long. “There is no money” is the line of the bosses, who refuse to return the next day.

Beyond journalism, Ivanov’s main profession is a contest, that is, a competitor in organized cognitive games in which he participates both individually and as part of a team. “In our country, you cannot make a living out of this; you are not English to become a consultant for one of the BBC programs and earn £ 250,000 a year. You could say that I am a contest because I compete in programs where I earn a salary with my participation ”.

By the way, in one of the 2010 contests, Martin competed against the sports department of the newspaper “24 hours”. Then the participants have to answer football questions, and the host is Niki Kanchev. “We had to answer 30 questions, divided into 10 in each round. It had a nice and friendly atmosphere.” On his own, Martín defeated his colleagues from the newspaper, but for the final battle with them he decided not to appear with his team. “We were disappointed, we played against two people, Teodor Borisov and me, instead of three, and there were four of them. We had good conversations with them. Then” 24 hours “won the race,” recalls Martin.

In 2011, with his question team, Martin defeated the best team in Plovdiv and thus became national champion. “But for the past few years I have been playing intermittently,” says Ivanov.

The same year he participated in the smart game “Get Rich”, whose host was Niki Kanchev, with whom he has a long friendship. At the show

Martin has arrived

to a question about

10,000 BGN

He is from one of the few areas that are his weaknesses: chemistry. Although he has one joker left that he can use: he called a friend, Ivanov decided to test his knowledge himself. But you give an incorrect answer and leave the program with the second a certain amount of BGN 3,000.

This error is not repeated in “The Last Wins”. And so he set several records in the BNT program: in addition to becoming a winner 18 times, he answered all the questions in the second round (something that no other participant has done so far), and in the third round, where for 1 minute You have to guess 10 questions from all kinds of spheres, often before the clock with the 10 correct answers.

On the show, he took on iconic contestants from “A minute is a lot” and defeated them. However, he could not go out alone against his idol: Plamen Mladenov.

Anyone who has seen “The Last Wins” with Ivanov will have noticed the respect he showed for host Orlin Goranov and the other contestants, who, of course, are quite respected for their performance. Often after leaving the game, your competitors tell you on camera how impressed they are with Martin’s knowledge, with some openly explaining how much they would like to be friends with him. Recently and

unknown all

they write to you more often

on Facebook,

to greet him

“It is a great pleasure to see you and enjoy the knowledge you show!”, “I gladly learn something about you every Monday through Friday night through the wonderful television program! Good luck and keep it up!”, “You participation in “The Last Wins” prompted me to search Wikipedia for Bulgarian films from the last century and I was satisfied, so thank you! Happy holidays! ”They are among the comments on your Facebook wall this week.

“The greatest reward of my show is this. In my life I am not so sociable, and along with” The Last Wins “I found many contacts. I got rich with friends. This is the full incarnation of a very nice Russian proverb: do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends, “says Martin.

How can you know so much? Ivanov has discussed memory skills with many psychologists who have done research on the subject. But so be it

no explanation

what type is it exactly

your memory

“There are many types: photographic, cognitive, associative … Obviously I have a combination of several types of memory in one, which helps me to remember many things.” For example, an absolutely insignificant story may have happened 35 years ago, but you still remember it and, if necessary, you can immediately associate it with it. “This souvenir is always very useful for a test.”

Among the favorite subjects that interest him, in addition to football, are music, history, cinema. The last two read with curiosity the pages of “24 hours”, written by Pencho Kovachev. “This is a person from whom I acquired knowledge. Some of my victories are due to his materials, as well as to another of his authors: Dimitar Staykov. I like to read” 24 hours “and especially the cultural pages, I always learn something from Your newspaper is informative and many others have become uninformative, especially about what interests me. “24 hours” maintains interest in the past, which is very close to me. Loving the past, I inherited it from my two grandparents : grab the yellowed books, the yellowed newspapers and learn more. And knowledge is power. “

Participate in the european

championship by questionnaire

The contests are contests that are organized in chain restaurants in several different locations in Sofia. The general education testing movement started in Plovdiv and reached the capital 7-8 years ago.

“We also have a Bulgarian competition society chaired by Dimitar Georgiev from Varna. He managed to bring people from the World Quiz Federation and have a European Championship in Sofia in early November 2019. Thanks to him, the best athletes came here. We represent Bulgaria both individually and as a team. We were two national teams, A and B. Team A managed to finish 12 out of 19 teams. We beat the Serbian and Romanian teams, who have much more experience than us, “said Martin.

During the championship, he managed to speak with the captain of the Belgian team, who is the director of a school in his country. “He told me that in the Flemish part of Belgium the questionnaire has become ingrained in children’s education since the 1980s, so they are trying to develop a good general culture.”
