Markovski – when the police can intervene in a protest – Bulgaria


“It is very important that people know what the law is, because everyone has the right to choose to break it or not to break it. You can see what the fact is and from there you come to the conclusion whether there is a legal violation,” he said on the air of “Hello, Bulgaria. Lawyer Marin Markovski for the September 2 protest, in which tensions between the protesters and the police escalated.

Protest clashes, the square became a battlefield

According to him, protest is a sacred and democratic right and is the basis of democracy. Think that this is the way to the best.

“Attempts to enter parliament are prohibited by the Law on Demonstrations and Assemblies, as well as by the rules of public order. This may be psychologically understandable, but the law prohibits it. In this case, the police have the right to use and force and aids. The law says that force must be proportional to the extent to which public order is threatened, “explained lawyer Markovski.

Escalation and gas protest, the Interior Ministry warned that it would use force

He added that there is an instruction according to which, when using gas or spray, one must know what it is and in which cases it can be used. This spray cannot harm human health.

Eight detainees at the protest, including Golemiya Dambovets

“The principle is that when public order is disturbed, aids can be used. It is clearly described what it means to disturb public order. Throwing eggs at police officers is no different, perhaps more humiliating. Throwing eggs is the violation of the decree. and an act can be drawn up, and whoever threw the egg can be punished, the law says that it must be established and brought to the District Court. From 100 to 200 BGN the fine and up to 15 days of detention in the District Court. “said attorney Markovski.

38 people, protesters and police, were injured in the protests

He stressed that the police must maintain public order without degrading the honor and dignity of citizens and without violating bodily integrity. According to him, behind these phrases hides a human attitude, which was sometimes lacking. Any slight bodily injury by an official in the performance of official functions will be punished with up to 3 years in prison, since the use of force by law will cease as soon as its need ceases. There has been a crime since the firing, Markovski explained.

SDVR Deputy Chief: Colleagues, you are the positive heroes of the ugly last day.

See more in the video.

Protest clashes, the square became a battlefield
