Markets close again if recommendations are not followed


If today the markets in the country do not take all the measures regarding distance and personal safety devices, they will close again tomorrow. Prime Minister Boyko Borisov has called for a briefing at the Cabinet.

Borisov has already ordered Interior Minister Mladen Marinov to oversee the process. The Prime Minister cited an example of a measure to take place input and output bandwidth in the markets, so there is no group of people.

Rules have been established for the operation of markets, farmers and farmers.

Rules have been established for the operation of markets, farmers and farmers.

The order was issued by the Minister of Health, Kiril Ananiev.

Mladen Marinov himself declared that it is ready and tomorrow the Ministry of the Interior will re-enter the neighborhoods of the cities. The Minister of the Interior recognized“among some specific undisciplined communities.” The gendarmerie will take action, Marinov said, saying he hoped that the need to use physical force would not be met, and at this stage they would try to persuade people. They also naturally depend on fines.

Coronavirus police officers are from different units and have worked in different locations. It does not depend on the MoI personnel assigned to the control points. Mladen Marinov noted that the work of police officers is risky in all respects and currently inclusive. As police officers, we are in a hurry to do our job and then think about our safety, Marinov explained.

There is a mandatory one-way movement in the Sofia markets.

There is a mandatory one-way movement in the Sofia markets.

It is mandatory to observe a distance of 2 meters between merchants and customers.
